uncensuredme.blogspot.com uncensuredme.blogspot.com


- Roz -

Monday, July 2, 2012. Sunday marks the day. Sunday really marks the day. Such a tiring day. Such a happy day. ITS THE SKY ADVENTURE CLUB - ROCK CLIMBING DAY! But with a great memory and experience in my heart. Croaked by - AaRoz -. Friday, June 29, 2012. What is YOUR PROBLEM? Eish dad called me in the midst of the night. Around 12am. Scared me to death. I thought its Satan calling. Turns out its only Satan's helper. My dad. I wanted to put his picture, but I jst realized I have none. ). What did you do?














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- Roz - | uncensuredme.blogspot.com Reviews
Monday, July 2, 2012. Sunday marks the day. Sunday really marks the day. Such a tiring day. Such a happy day. ITS THE SKY ADVENTURE CLUB - ROCK CLIMBING DAY! But with a great memory and experience in my heart. Croaked by - AaRoz -. Friday, June 29, 2012. What is YOUR PROBLEM? Eish dad called me in the midst of the night. Around 12am. Scared me to death. I thought its Satan calling. Turns out its only Satan's helper. My dad. I wanted to put his picture, but I jst realized I have none. ). What did you do?
1 skip to main
2 skip to sidebar
3 sore day
4 so much fun
5 so much bonding
6 today monday
7 muscles are sore
8 bruises everywhere
9 love
10 care
Page content here
skip to main,skip to sidebar,sore day,so much fun,so much bonding,today monday,muscles are sore,bruises everywhere,love,care,friendship,brotherhood,0 mini croaks,hehe,like whoooaaa *****,damn *****,slaps sister *,hahaha,so bored,i'm dying,melting,drained

- Roz - | uncensuredme.blogspot.com Reviews


Monday, July 2, 2012. Sunday marks the day. Sunday really marks the day. Such a tiring day. Such a happy day. ITS THE SKY ADVENTURE CLUB - ROCK CLIMBING DAY! But with a great memory and experience in my heart. Croaked by - AaRoz -. Friday, June 29, 2012. What is YOUR PROBLEM? Eish dad called me in the midst of the night. Around 12am. Scared me to death. I thought its Satan calling. Turns out its only Satan's helper. My dad. I wanted to put his picture, but I jst realized I have none. ). What did you do?


uncensuredme.blogspot.com uncensuredme.blogspot.com

- Roz -: May 2011


Sunday, May 22, 2011. AAAHHHH why oh why is that when I am busy with my ever-keep-piling assignments do I find more interesting thing to do? Right now I am caught up in a super anime frenzy! Just spend times between assignments watching anime. And more anime. And I keep downloading new anime everyday. My laptop is working very hard everyday just to satiate my hunger for anime. Heheh. And thanks to torrent for providing me with anime. Really grateful. What a life. =]. Croaked by - AaRoz -. I am who I am.


- Roz -: June 2012


Friday, June 29, 2012. What is YOUR PROBLEM? Eish dad called me in the midst of the night. Around 12am. Scared me to death. I thought its Satan calling. Turns out its only Satan's helper. My dad. I wanted to put his picture, but I jst realized I have none. ). Oh yeah. No time to "hehe". Angry mode now. Dad scold me. Yes. HE SCOLD ME. AGAIN! And this time, its because my bitch of a sister spent around RM400 on her phone bills. Yu spent that much? I don't even reach RM100! And I called a lot! I am who I am.


- Roz -: August 2011


Wednesday, August 24, 2011. I would like to start my post with that! Why do I have to be soo unlucky? I mean, its like I have been cursed or something. God! Just now while fetching my sister, I suddenly fell very very particularly sleepy. And I have no idea what caused this. Like, seriously. I am usually attentive while driving but I have no idea what happened today. I hit the bumper of somebodys car! A soft bump lah, but its still a bump! I was like, OMG OMG OMG! How the hell this happened to me? This t...


- Roz -: Alamak boring nya...


Tuesday, February 28, 2012. Okay okay okay so I don't blog that much. Only once a blue moon. But hey, can't expect that much from me. I'm a very busy man, Okay okay? Hey, but here is an interesting thought. Daddy is in town ( KL ) for a few days. I wonder what I should ask him to get me? Maybe its time to ask him to get me that Louis bag that I love so much? Hold on, I'll post up a picture. Should I get the damier graphite or the Geant Canvas Associe GM N58035? Oh wow I love them both! So lazy. haih.


- Roz -: Sore Day.


Monday, July 2, 2012. Sunday marks the day. Sunday really marks the day. Such a tiring day. Such a happy day. ITS THE SKY ADVENTURE CLUB - ROCK CLIMBING DAY! But with a great memory and experience in my heart. Croaked by - AaRoz -. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Rozan Bin Mohd Eddy @. A mix between Chinese, Kadazan, Malay, Indonesian. LimKokWing University of Creative Technology. U kero me, I kero u? U go kero-kero here, okay? The Last Treasure Hunt (2015). Robby Angel Of Insurrection. I am who I am.





sandalbutut88.blogspot.com sandalbutut88.blogspot.com

| Tulisanku Inspirasi Hidupku |: Kista Ovarium,Menurut Anda ?


11 October, 2011. Kista Ovarium,Menurut Anda? Apa seh sebenarnya Kista Ovarium yang anda ketahui? Sebenarnya Kista Ovarium ini adalah sebuah kantong kecil yang berada didekat ovarium yang berisi cairan dan itu berkembang didalam ovarium ( Indung Telur) wanita. Kebanyakan Kista pada umumnya tidak berbahaya, nanum ada beberapa kista dapat menimbulkan masalah seperti; mulai dari nyeri saat menstruasi, kista pecah, pendarahan hingga sampai ketahap yang serius seperti; terlilitnya batang ovarium, gangguan...

sandalbutut88.blogspot.com sandalbutut88.blogspot.com

| Tulisanku Inspirasi Hidupku |: August 2010


27 August, 2010. Malaysia Peringatkan Warganya ". Tidak Penat kah kalian bersengketa dan bersengketa dan tidak ada ujung dari pangkalan masalah tersebut? Kita sebagai warga Negara merasa sangat tidak nyaman dengan keadaan seperti ini. Keadaan ini sudah berlangsung lama dan semakin tahun masalah ini semakin meningkat,bukannya semakin menurun. . Friday, August 27, 2010. 23 August, 2010. Indonesia Malaysia = Jatuh Di Meja Perundingan! Gimana rasanya kalau kamu melihat dua negara berseteru? Lain cerita pula,...

danieliciouspieceofme.blogspot.com danieliciouspieceofme.blogspot.com

An Image of My Illusion: Badan Warisan Malaysia and Some Places


An Image of My Illusion. Badan Warisan Malaysia and Some Places. Posted by Daniel Chin. It's still holiday on last Friday, and while we don't have classes, Chris and I went to the Heritage Centre for some research on our Communication Principles reports. We we talking about it few weeks ago but it's only on that day that I knew Gusti, Reza, Ami and Ryan were joining too. Image taken from flickr. I'm feeling the roof. Whatever they are building behind is certainly gonna ruin the view. This was where we di...

danieliciouspieceofme.blogspot.com danieliciouspieceofme.blogspot.com

An Image of My Illusion: May 2009


An Image of My Illusion. Can you fix a rotten apple? Posted by Daniel Chin. A quick (but possibly lengthy) update :D. Went to Machines in The Gardens yesterday to collect my laptop (at least that's my priority or rather, my excuse  D). Well, I've always felt embarrassed when people asked me what happened to my laptop. Yes, I spilled water on the keyboard when I was PAINTING, yes, WATERCOLOUR! My favourite medium :S). Looking at the bright-side, I got a brand new keyboard! Let's ditch the Apple part.

sandalbutut88.blogspot.com sandalbutut88.blogspot.com

| Tulisanku Inspirasi Hidupku |: Desember Owh Desember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


17 December, 2012. Desember Owh Desember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Menulis dan menjatuhkan tinta diatas Blog ini adalah jalan satu2nya aku melampiaskan semua yang aku rasakan. Kerasnya kehidupan dan Kejam nya di dunia pekerjaan membuat aku semakin tau akan artinya hidup dan susahnya mencari sesuap Nasi dijaman sekarang,dimana jaman kehidupan yang memang Keras. Tapi tetep yakin dengan diri sendiri bahwa kita masih mampu mengarungi hidup dalam keadaan apapun. Monday, December 17, 2012. Subscribe to: ...

sheenamarcus.blogspot.com sheenamarcus.blogspot.com

Sheena Marcus: I'm back, bitches


Thursday, August 21, 2014. I'm back, bitches. Hi, i know i've been abandoning this blog a whole lot (a whole. FOREVER, more like it). But it's not like anyone reads it, i solely update this blog only when i feel like i'm in need of expressing how i feel. or maybe for the sake of updating it HAHAHA ok lol off topic. So ever since i came back to KK (Kota Kinabalu, for the ones that wants to know), i've been bored out of my mind, so i went back to blog-stalking. So one particular old post of mine caught my ...

danieliciouspieceofme.blogspot.com danieliciouspieceofme.blogspot.com

An Image of My Illusion: September 2009


An Image of My Illusion. Badan Warisan Malaysia and Some Places. Posted by Daniel Chin. It's still holiday on last Friday, and while we don't have classes, Chris and I went to the Heritage Centre for some research on our Communication Principles reports. We we talking about it few weeks ago but it's only on that day that I knew Gusti, Reza, Ami and Ryan were joining too. Image taken from flickr. I'm feeling the roof. Whatever they are building behind is certainly gonna ruin the view. This was where we di...

danieliciouspieceofme.blogspot.com danieliciouspieceofme.blogspot.com

An Image of My Illusion: Design 101: How Do You House a Client?


An Image of My Illusion. Design 101: How Do You House a Client? Posted by Daniel Chin. In less than 9 hours I'm going to Malacca. For a site visit. I can hear my tummy rumbling now, longing for decent food outside the Cyber Hell Pit. The purpose of this particular trip is to sketch some historical buildings and also to find a site and do a site analysis. But I consider it as a challenge that I would like to take. There are other clients such as designers, artists, graphic novel characters, models etc.

sandalbutut88.blogspot.com sandalbutut88.blogspot.com

| Tulisanku Inspirasi Hidupku |: October 2012


27 October, 2012. HmmmmTanggal berapa sekarang dan sudah tahun apa yah? Setelah setahun lebih saya tidak menjatuhkan tulisan keblog ini,akhirnya hari ini aku menjatuhkan tulisanku di Blogku kembali. Ya setahun lamanya aku bungkam tanpa sepatah katapun aku menulis disini. Terlalu banyak cerita yang ingin aku ungkapkan disini dan beraneka cerita. Mulai dari kehidupan yang berubah sampai pelajaran yang harus aku ingat2 sampai kapanpun. Saturday, October 27, 2012. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Travel template&...

sandalbutut88.blogspot.com sandalbutut88.blogspot.com

| Tulisanku Inspirasi Hidupku |: October 2010


10 October, 2010. Disini saya tidak menyalahkan pihak mana2pun karna sesuatu yang sudah terbiasa sangat susah di rubah dan memerlukan waktu. Aku mungkin sedikit berkhayal tentang Indonesia,Kapan ya Indonesia bisa menjadi seperti negara Malaysia yang sangat tertib dan bersih? Aku berharap Indonesia bisa menjadi Negara Yang bisa di banggakan dan Indonesia lambat laun akan menyandang Negara yang Hebat! Sunday, October 10, 2010. 09 October, 2010. Sampai saat seorang teman lelakimu datang kerumah dan meminta ...






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uncensor the web: list of proxies | Just another WordPress.com weblog

Uncensor the web: list of proxies. Just another WordPress.com weblog. Bull;January 31, 2007 • 8 Comments. This will be a huge list of proxies. none of them are blocked at my school. This is the list from my other site. it was stupid and wouldnt let me log in. Remember to delete any CAPITAL LETTERS in there. Good luck and happy surfing! Bull;January 31, 2007 • 8 Comments. Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging! Buzzysplat.com w00tage.com.

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Blog de uncensured-88 - Blog de uncensured-88 - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Plus d'actions ▼. S'abonner à mon blog. Création : 29/01/2009 à 11:19. Mise à jour : 14/11/2010 à 12:31. My life my love my. Tout ceux qui on fait de moi se que je suis. Les bon comme les mauvais. Premier essai voyon se ke sela donne. Ou poster avec :. Retape dans le champ ci-dessous la suite de chiffres et de lettres qui apparaissent dans le cadre ci-contre. Posté le jeudi 29 janvier 2009 11:27. Ou pas je m'ennuit un truc de fou puis ma tete et ailleur.

uncensuredbiiuty.skyrock.com uncensuredbiiuty.skyrock.com

Blog de UnCensuredBiiuty - UnCensuredBiiuty - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Open Your Eyes Idiot! Look But Don't Touch If Not We'll be Obligated To Bite U! Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Hillow tous le monde! Ici vous êtes sur NOTRE. On prend des photos de nous et on les met ici pour que vous puissiez les contempler. N'esitez pas à nous contacter: Sno roxy@hotmail.com. Pour qu'une photo se retrouve sur notre site il faut qu'il y est au moin l'une de nous sur la photo. Les idées de photos sont uniquement. Oui on le sait deja!

uncensuredblogger.blogspot.com uncensuredblogger.blogspot.com

Let's see what up with the world today....

Friday, November 14, 2008. Tell all books: seriously? Is this what it has come to? Celebrities are making money off of selling their souls? Stars such as Tori Spelling have made profit off of their lives by writing books that show their real life, but on paper. http:/ www.monstersandcritics.com/books/news/article 1394945.php/Yet another vapid celebrity %91tell all%92 Tori Spelling. 8220;STORI Telling” has not made a lot of money, but why in the world would she resort to something like this? I mean sure, ...

uncensuredme.blogspot.com uncensuredme.blogspot.com

- Roz -

Monday, July 2, 2012. Sunday marks the day. Sunday really marks the day. Such a tiring day. Such a happy day. ITS THE SKY ADVENTURE CLUB - ROCK CLIMBING DAY! But with a great memory and experience in my heart. Croaked by - AaRoz -. Friday, June 29, 2012. What is YOUR PROBLEM? Eish dad called me in the midst of the night. Around 12am. Scared me to death. I thought its Satan calling. Turns out its only Satan's helper. My dad. I wanted to put his picture, but I jst realized I have none. ). What did you do?

uncentauroeneldesierto.blogspot.com uncentauroeneldesierto.blogspot.com

Un centauro en el desierto

Un centauro en el desierto. El Centauro - Indice. Lo más visto de la semana. De aquí y allá. 161;Aquí me las den todas! Creo que la única vez que me he dicho eso a mí mismo andaba yo por los dieciocho años y estaba en un viejo . Humberto Maturana, inequívocamente equívoco. Es la mordaza, colega. Llevaba unas semanas dándole vueltas al asunto éste de la Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana , pero la noticia de que la palabra colega . Félix Grande: el fuego y la palabra. Antonio Machado: Claro es que en el campo de.

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Un centauro en el desierto - Versión en pruebas

Un centauro en el desierto. James Madison: Todas las asambleas…”. Todas las asambleas, sean estas pequeñas o numerosas, tienen la propensión a ceder al impulso de las pasiones violentas y repentinas, y a ser seducidos por líderes facinerosos para tomar decisiones perniciosas e intemperadas . 12 Marzo, 2017. 10 Abril, 2017. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: “cuando…”. 8220;cuando los que mandan pierden la vergüenza, los que obedecen pierden el respeto”. 7 Marzo, 2017. 1 Abril, 2017. La muerte viene de lejos.

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UNCenter | 유앤비즈니스지원센터

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