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The Log Blog
The year of the microadventure. I read quite a few blogs on all sorts of topics and they’re all inspiring in their own way. Whilst blog hopping one day I came across this chap. Now he seems to live the dream, endlessly adventuring and expeditioning, but one of his articles in particular captured me and it was this idea of the microadventure. For those of us not quite ready / willing / able to jack it all in and trot around the globe he puts forward an alternative. And I like it. Here are some words of his.
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Weekly Logo Inspiration - Logo Design Inspiration, Ideas and Gallery Blog
Logo Design Inspiration, Ideas and Gallery Blog. About OCTB Overcome The Barrier (OCTB) is a U.S. based online language training company. It teaches English to individual and corporate clients using a unique…. About Design Museum Boston Design Museum Boston is a non-profit organization with the goal of educating the public on the role of design in their…. About The Minimalistic Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, in 2011, left their corporate careers age 30 to become full-time authors and speak...
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