WEGI - LED, Lighting, FloodlightWEGI in pursuit of the most natural light and the best future system lighting Developing products that satisfy the market needs
WEGI in pursuit of the most natural light and the best future system lighting Developing products that satisfy the market needs
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WEGI - LED, Lighting, Floodlight | wegi.co.kr Reviews
WEGI in pursuit of the most natural light and the best future system lighting Developing products that satisfy the market needs
Business Areas - LED, Lighting, Floodlight
Products with Procurement Registration. Company Introduction Business Areas. Manufacturing and sales of LED lighting. LED spotlights 22W 33W. Type of lighting installed in clothing stores, jewelry shops, beauty salons, department stores and optical stores. LED multi-lighting 24W 66W. Type of lighting installed in luxury goods and clothing stores and large-scale markets. LED high ceiling lighting 100W 200W. Type of lighting installed in factories, warehouses, hangars, all with high ceilings.
Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures - LED, Lighting, Floodlight
Products with Procurement Registration. Products with Procurement Registration. Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures. Downlight 8-inch Flush Mount. Floodlight Light (B Type). Products replacing the existing HQI75 150W, they are divided into 8 different types based on installation method (exposed), lens type (40, 60, 80 and 120), color of lighting (2800 5700K) and color of enclosure (white, black). The total luminous flux (lm). Luminous efficacy (lm / W). The radiation angle (angle). 40,60,80,120. 40,60,80,120.
Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures - LED, Lighting, Floodlight
Products with Procurement Registration. Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures. Flush Mount Light Fixtures. Downlight 6-inch Flush Mount. Downlight 8-inch Flush Mount. Highbay High Ceiling Light Fixtures. Products with Procurement Registration. Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures. Downlight 8-inch Flush Mount. Products Products with Procurement Registration. Downlight 8-inch Flush Mount. Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures. Flush Mount Light Fixtures. Downlight 6-inch Flush Mount. Downlight 8-inch Flush Mount.
Greeting - LED, Lighting, Floodlight
Products with Procurement Registration. WEGI will strive to be a company that makes significant contributions in our customers and the society alike. Our company manufactures indoor and outdoor lighting, which applies LED. We have ceaselessly researched and developed for the good of our customers and the society. WEGI promises to actively listen and promptly react to all your comments and opinions and also provide the best and most satisfying technical support for your needs. Thank you very much.
Organizational Chart - LED, Lighting, Floodlight
Products with Procurement Registration. Company Introduction Organizational Chart. Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures. Flush Mount Light Fixtures. Downlight 6-inch Flush Mount. Downlight 8-inch Flush Mount. Highbay High Ceiling Light Fixtures. Products with Procurement Registration. Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures. Downlight 8-inch Flush Mount. 306, Venture Center, Gwangju Techno Park, 333, Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Korea.
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Willkommen bei Wegner+Gill - Metallbau, Mechanische Bearbeitung, Industrieservice
WeGi GmbH - Nordstraße 102e - 52353 Düren - 02421-49 51 123. Oder per E-Mail: info@wegi-dueren.de.
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Home | www.wegi.be
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WEGI - LED, Lighting, Floodlight
Products with Procurement Registration. Purpose of installation is to use as replacement landscape lighting on, for example, exterior walls of buildings, trees, sculpture, bridges and signs. Purpose of installation is to use as replacement landscape lighting on, for example, exterior walls of buildings, trees, sculpture, bridges and signs. Company that produce one indoor and outdoor LED lighting applications. WEGI CO., LTD. LED lighting company is introduction History. Floodlight Fixed Light Fixtures.
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