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In Good Shape

My Life: With Twins. Saturday, November 3, 2012. I went to get my hair done this morning. I was pleased to see a Town and Country magazine on the shelf by the chair. The hairdresser said "I knew you would like that. That's my Mom's favorite magazine.". Her mom is 45. That's just ducky. But I'm over it now that I typed it. You know what I'm not over? Being personally attacked. Someone out there really thinks I'm evil and surprisingly, it's not one of my children. Yes, yes they are. Seems to me like she mi...














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In Good Shape | wereingoodshape.blogspot.com Reviews
My Life: With Twins. Saturday, November 3, 2012. I went to get my hair done this morning. I was pleased to see a Town and Country magazine on the shelf by the chair. The hairdresser said I knew you would like that. That's my Mom's favorite magazine.. Her mom is 45. That's just ducky. But I'm over it now that I typed it. You know what I'm not over? Being personally attacked. Someone out there really thinks I'm evil and surprisingly, it's not one of my children. Yes, yes they are. Seems to me like she mi...
1 in good shape
2 disclosures
3 not recommended
4 posted by
5 1 comment
6 the home team
7 no comments
8 do it now
9 brake
10 owls
Page content here
in good shape,disclosures,not recommended,posted by,1 comment,the home team,no comments,do it now,brake,owls,wahoo,me *screaming*,kid do what,kid stop yelling,we're fine,an owl,kid what,me ta da,burning rubber,just checking,3 comments,older posts,from owl

In Good Shape | wereingoodshape.blogspot.com Reviews


My Life: With Twins. Saturday, November 3, 2012. I went to get my hair done this morning. I was pleased to see a Town and Country magazine on the shelf by the chair. The hairdresser said "I knew you would like that. That's my Mom's favorite magazine.". Her mom is 45. That's just ducky. But I'm over it now that I typed it. You know what I'm not over? Being personally attacked. Someone out there really thinks I'm evil and surprisingly, it's not one of my children. Yes, yes they are. Seems to me like she mi...


wereingoodshape.blogspot.com wereingoodshape.blogspot.com

In Good Shape: For Halloween I'd like to be a shrubbery


My Life: With Twins. Monday, October 22, 2012. For Halloween I'd like to be a shrubbery. It occurred to me today that once, A&P really only cared about cookies. I found this picture of them from preschool. Interestingly, Andrew is on the left. I guess the preschool teacher obeyed my commands. If you don't count me dressing up as a shrub and standing really close to the playground, I never was much of a stalker and more of a dictator. Monday, October 22, 2012. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Simple te...


In Good Shape: Late Braker and Tire Squealer


My Life: With Twins. Sunday, September 16, 2012. Late Braker and Tire Squealer. To protect the innocent, I won't use names. Twin A is Late Braker (LB). Twin B is Tire Squealer (TS). Did you know that if you pull really hard on the passenger door and lean to the left, it is still impossible to will a vehicle that you are not in control of back onto the roadway? A friend of mine told me that she only ever let her kid drive in the cemetery. If only I had been that smart. Sunday, September 16, 2012. December...


In Good Shape: Owls


My Life: With Twins. Sunday, October 14, 2012. Driving has gotten a little easier inasmuch as I don't fear for my life as much as last month. I figured out that drinking first is very helpful and takes the edge off for me as a passenger- like an Ativan before a flight. This was a technique recommended to me by my insurance agent so it's a sanctioned driving lesson strategy.*. Let's get on the expressway to practice lane changes. Kid: I'm changing lanes and checked the mirror. Me: You'd better look again.


In Good Shape: Is it a Felony if...


My Life: With Twins. Sunday, October 21, 2012. Is it a Felony if. The unsuspecting and now audibly victimized co-worker says "Hey, I can call you back." No way, I scream. I've been waiting to talk to you all day. "I don't like how this sounds. It sounds dangerous," he says pensively. What? No way. How could this be anything less than safe- being driven around town by a 15 year old. I do it all the time! Did your wife end up in rehab? Did she leave you? Do you hate her? Does she have PTSD? Um no " That's ...


In Good Shape: September 2010


My Life: With Twins. Thursday, September 30, 2010. A Letter to #54. How's it going out there on that field? Things are probably not as good in the stands as you might think, so I thought I'd fill you in on the fact that you playing football FREAKS ME OUT BEYOND ALL REASON. Without hesitation, Andrew bellowed "ARE YOU KIDDING, I MIGHT BE SMUSHED LIKE A ROTTEN EGGPLANT! I'm not brave like Gage's mom. I'm a big chicken and I don't even know what to cheer for. I guess it's good when people get mowed ...Me: M...





thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy: It comes with the territory...


Tuesday, September 22, 2009. It comes with the territory. Is the human condition one of constant struggle? Today I've had a media overload. From the vitriolic speech of tea-baggers to the incessant crudeness of reality shows. I have to be very selective when it comes to watching TV. It's heartbreaking to realize that so much energy is put on sensationalism. But we cannot blame TV nor media for all our troubles. Posted by The Pink Cowboy. Tuesday, September 22, 2009. September 23, 2009 at 1:16 AM. If we w...

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy: Dreamland


Tuesday, June 8, 2010. There are days when my sadness takes me to a western beach in Rotcehland, there I sit with Pretzel and think of God protecting me. Or is it Mother Tara protecting me? Maybe the Universe or the Force, it does not matter who. Lately I've met many people worried about loosing in the game of life. Life is not a game. Refuse to compete, it's barbaric, inhuman. I do not even want to compete. Compete against who? Why do we diminish ourselves so? Posted by The Pink Cowboy. At the Pink Ranch.

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy: A home in my heart


Wednesday, August 31, 2011. A home in my heart. Posted by The Pink Cowboy. Wednesday, August 31, 2011. Id love to hang out with you at your lovely cottage house Mr Pink Cowboy. May you have many cozy moments in your new place. 3. September 1, 2011 at 1:48 PM. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Friendly Cowboys Await You. Live at the Cherry Blossom Saloon. The Singing Milkmaids of Frisco. The Old Rancho Band. At the Pink Ranch. 1 People are knocking on the door. 2 I am looking for my magical rainbow scarf.

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy


Sunday, January 12, 2014. Happy is as happy goes. After many days of bitter winter vortexy weather the sun came out today. A balmy 65 degrees. I went to the lower Greenville and walked around soaking up the warm sun rays and the smiles of attendees. And for a little while life seemed simple enough. Just walking and smiling. Got into my car and listened to NPR's Ask Me Another. Posted by The Pink Cowboy. Sunday, January 12, 2014. Youve been missed- keep singing! February 6, 2014 at 10:45 PM. Grandma Smith...

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy: Ted Kennedy 1932-2009


Sunday, August 30, 2009. Posted by The Pink Cowboy. Sunday, August 30, 2009. Linda S. Socha. What an elegant and beautiful and real post Pink. I have come to expect beauty.of many kinds.in your posts. August 30, 2009 at 10:49 PM. An excellent tribute to Ted Kennedy, as well as a lovely post. August 31, 2009 at 8:10 AM. I see you love Sweden. How many times have you been here? August 31, 2009 at 1:07 PM. Beautiful and eloquent post x. September 1, 2009 at 6:20 AM. Dr kold kadavr flatliner, MD, the sub/dude.

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy: It Was a Hazy Tuesday Morning...I Saw The Fire Within.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009. It Was a Hazy Tuesday Morning.I Saw The Fire Within. I am burning inside, and its a variegated flame, some call it an eternal flame, I call it a life giving flame. I see its reflection in the artists that I meet, in the music that dares to to celebrate the human spirit amidst the honks and clangs of urban traffic. The beauty of your embrace. The dignity of your very special dance. The triumph of your colours against the deadly gray. I AM AN ARTIST. I AM AN ARTIST. Keep loving,...

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy: On the Elegance of Dinner Parties


Thursday, September 10, 2009. On the Elegance of Dinner Parties. It was a particularly common Thursday. I did laundry in the morning and in the afternoon I prepared fish with white rice. A couple of days ago I went to see Julia and Julie. With some friends. As I ate I couldn't help but thinking about all the fabulous dinner parties I've seen on the screen throughout my life. From the philosophical My Dinner With André. 1981) to the riveting luscious 19th century banquet displays in The Age of Innocence.

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy: Why I believe in breathing


Thursday, June 17, 2010. Why I believe in breathing. Posted by The Pink Cowboy. Thursday, June 17, 2010. Yes it does 3. Good to see you again my friend. June 17, 2010 at 8:49 PM. So eager to please that I forgot what pleased me. Wonderful, the power of love. June 17, 2010 at 9:33 PM. Oh Cowboy, you are SUCH a gem. July 7, 2010 at 10:13 PM. Documentaries and eye witnesss declarations about extraordinary acts of a Grand Master of Esoteric Knowledge in present time. Http:/ www.youtube.com/watch? Radcliffe a...

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy: Rain


Friday, September 11, 2009. What makes me a human being? Is it my identity, my social persona, my likes and dislikes? A thunder clap has just shot across the horizon. Satori. A zen-like revelation on impermanence. Or rather a permanent impermanence. I love to play with words in the same way that a master painter uses shades, textures and hues to depict the landscape of his mind. Where has my depression led me? Posted by The Pink Cowboy. Friday, September 11, 2009. September 11, 2009 at 8:07 PM. Beautiful...

thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com thepinkcowboy.blogspot.com

The Pink Cowboy


Thursday, August 29, 2013. Pretzel is doing just fine. He turned 6 last April. He my little baby. A little dog in my life and I'm changed forever. Animals teach us compassion. They don't judge. They just are. Pretzel is a daily remainder that there is hope in every living thing on this old Earth. Posted by The Pink Cowboy. Thursday, August 29, 2013. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Friendly Cowboys Await You. Live at the Cherry Blossom Saloon. The Singing Milkmaids of Frisco. The Old Rancho Band.





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WE'RE INDY – The ART of Making IT Happen

The ART of Making IT Happen. Scroll down to content. May 13, 2016. WE’RE INDY Podcast EP6 – MSP Comicon Week part 4. MSP Comicon is days away! Planned to take place May 14 and 15, 2016, at the MN State Fair Grandstand, and Anthony is one of the 250 Guest Creators. In this episode I talk about “Crunch Time”, Never being fully prepared, and How a person can comfortably live on the side of a mountain. For information about the MCBA or MSP Comicon, please visit: http:/ mcbacomicons.com. May 12, 2016. Patrons...

wereingoodshape.blogspot.com wereingoodshape.blogspot.com

In Good Shape

My Life: With Twins. Saturday, November 3, 2012. I went to get my hair done this morning. I was pleased to see a Town and Country magazine on the shelf by the chair. The hairdresser said "I knew you would like that. That's my Mom's favorite magazine.". Her mom is 45. That's just ducky. But I'm over it now that I typed it. You know what I'm not over? Being personally attacked. Someone out there really thinks I'm evil and surprisingly, it's not one of my children. Yes, yes they are. Seems to me like she mi...

wereingrid.deviantart.com wereingrid.deviantart.com

WereIngrid (Ingrid) - DeviantArt

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wereinheaven.skyrock.com wereinheaven.skyrock.com

Blog de wereinheaven - 0°o Là BaS o°0 - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. 0 o Là BaS o 0. 0 Gardes tes valeurs pour le jour ou les anges te ferons signe 0. Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Voila ma plus belle! N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Posté le mardi 21 octobre 2008 03:54. Ca c'est un plongeoir géant. Ou poster avec :.

wereinheaven77.skyrock.com wereinheaven77.skyrock.com

wereinheaven77's blog - maudee - Skyrock.com

Au fil du temps je vais metter des articles sur ceux que jaime plus que tout! Noubliez pas de laisse des comms :D! Meme si tu connais pa le monde.c pas grv jaime ca savoir ske le moden pense! 09/03/2007 at 9:20 PM. 04/07/2007 at 4:41 PM. Subscribe to my blog! Je suis un homme ordinaire. Et j'ai mené une vie ordinaire. Aucun monument ne sera érigé à ma mémoire,. Et mon nom sera vite oublié. Mais j'ai aimé de tout mon coeur. De toute mon âme. Et, pour moi, cela suffit à remplir une vie. Hen kaaa ;). Don't ...

wereinittogether.org wereinittogether.org

Coming Soon - Future home of something quite cool

Future home of something quite cool. If you're the site owner. To launch this site. If you are a visitor. Please check back soon.

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