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Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training)

Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Tuesday, March 3, 2009. We stood, held hands, and prayed together for Deacon Dan and his family. We cried together, for this unimaginable act of violence. Tuesday, February 24, 2009. And oh let me tell you, it sure feels like a Fat Tuesday. Whew! I was actually very good this morning and through lunch.but then I splurged for dinner at Olive Garden, Yum! So, I finally to see Confessions of a Shopaholic which was super cute. Not too much like the book,...














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Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training) | diariesofadomesticdiva.blogspot.com Reviews
Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Tuesday, March 3, 2009. We stood, held hands, and prayed together for Deacon Dan and his family. We cried together, for this unimaginable act of violence. Tuesday, February 24, 2009. And oh let me tell you, it sure feels like a Fat Tuesday. Whew! I was actually very good this morning and through lunch.but then I splurged for dinner at Olive Garden, Yum! So, I finally to see Confessions of a Shopaholic which was super cute. Not too much like the book,...
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skip to main,skip to sidebar,prayers are needed,posted by,the gould's,1 comment,confessions and cookies,happy fat tuesday,love it,no comments,pounds lost,four still baking,you betcha,of course,mmmmmm delish,big red,perfecto,whew,older posts,welcome ya'll

Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training) | diariesofadomesticdiva.blogspot.com Reviews


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Tuesday, March 3, 2009. We stood, held hands, and prayed together for Deacon Dan and his family. We cried together, for this unimaginable act of violence. Tuesday, February 24, 2009. And oh let me tell you, it sure feels like a Fat Tuesday. Whew! I was actually very good this morning and through lunch.but then I splurged for dinner at Olive Garden, Yum! So, I finally to see Confessions of a Shopaholic which was super cute. Not too much like the book,...


diariesofadomesticdiva.blogspot.com diariesofadomesticdiva.blogspot.com

Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training): Little Miss Pink Lady...


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Saturday, February 7, 2009. Little Miss Pink Lady. Well, today I was ready to break her out and put her little arms to good use! I had a craving for Banana Nut Muffins and I remembered I bought a box a couple of months ago. Betty Crocker.here I come! It was quite simple, just follow the directions and mix away. That sounds easy enough, until the egg shell fell right into the center of the ingredients! Pink Lady, do your thang! Look how amazing those look!


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training): March 2009


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Tuesday, March 3, 2009. We stood, held hands, and prayed together for Deacon Dan and his family. We cried together, for this unimaginable act of violence. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Domestic Diva (In Training). I am creating this blog to share my journey to finding my inner Domestic Diva (I know she's in there.somewhere! Along the way I hope to offer ideas, share feelings and thoughts -even a whine or two! I have an amazing husband that I absolutely ado...


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training): February 2009


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Tuesday, February 24, 2009. And oh let me tell you, it sure feels like a Fat Tuesday. Whew! I was actually very good this morning and through lunch.but then I splurged for dinner at Olive Garden, Yum! Aren't these outfits super fun? Oh and its also GIRL SCOUT COOKIE TIME! I proudly ordered 7 boxes (not so proudly when they all arrived on my desk at work) ha! My two favorites are the Thin Mints and Tagalongs.yumm! Sunday, February 22, 2009. I am also usin...


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training): I'd Like To Introduce You Too...


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Thursday, February 5, 2009. I'd Like To Introduce You Too. The Brand New Food Processor! It might just be my new best friend considering we hit it off the moment we met tonight. I decided to cook dinner tonight when I got home from work. I purchased items a week ago just in case I ever felt like cooking, and poof! Tonight it became a reality. I had a pretty slow day at work, and decide to make a new recipe that neither Trey or I had ever tried. I am crea...


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training): January 2009


Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Wednesday, January 28, 2009. A Little Humor For Ya. When I was younger, I was often offended with Blonde Jokes. (Especially in junior high school when my hormones were on crack and I was super senstitive.) I would take blonde jokes very personally and cry to my mom when they hurt my feelings. Once I grew up a little more and became comfortable with who I am, I could appreciate the humor in blonde jokes! Let's put all the Corn Flakes back in the box.".





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the edwards: August 2009


Monday, August 24, 2009. Saturday we celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday with a surprise party. It was really fun. We had mexican food from his favorite restaurant, Flores, and even margaritas. Dad was really surprised. He said he had no idea. I'm actually quite impressed that between my sister, mom and I, none of us spoiled it. Of course I had to include a picture of Clarke and his super cute outfit and faux hawk. He was happier than he looks in the picture. Friday, August 21, 2009. Clarke just being cute!

jilledwards.blogspot.com jilledwards.blogspot.com

the edwards: October 2009


Tuesday, October 20, 2009. LHS 10 Year Reunion. This past weekend was my 10 year HS reunion. I cannot believe I've been out of high school for 10 years! I was so tired when we got home :). Here are some picture highlights from the weekend. The husbands that had to become instant friends, because they didn't know anyone else. They were all good sports. Shelley, Me and Casey.we played softball together starting in 2nd grade.i think. Casey, Ashley and me. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Sites i like to visit.

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the edwards: June 2010


Wednesday, June 30, 2010. This video was taken especially for Sugar. She has a hard time watching us play rough with Clarke.but he LOVES it. Oh and Clarke says 'going swimming' like this."goin' simmin". pretty stinking cute! Http:/ www.youtube.com/watch? It's become one of our family traditions to go to the ROT Rally in Austin. It's a motorcycle parade that goes through downtown Austin. It's really loud, but Clarke and Daniel love it. This year, we went with the Davis Family. I'm kicking myself now for n...

jilledwards.blogspot.com jilledwards.blogspot.com

the edwards: November 2010


Sunday, November 21, 2010. This year we went to downtown Buda for some trick or treating. They call it Booda Fest. Clever, huh? We went with the Davis'. Archer as Buzz Lightyear. Savanna as an Indian. Kyle as Darth Vader. Clarke showing off the teeth that he got. They just made him drool. They were gross. He wanted that candy. We all got a kick out of how sad it was to take candy away from a kid that just discovered it. Oh well, he got over it pretty quickly! Garner State Park Camping Trip. In October, w...

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the edwards: February 2009


Sunday, February 8, 2009. Another month has come and gone. We have slowed down a little bit around here, but we still seem really busy, somehow. This picture isn't the best quality because our camera broke yesterday and we had to take this one with Daniel's phone. Here's the latest list of accomplishments:. Shakes his head "no". Does NOT like limes (we gave him one to see what kind of face he would make, and he screamed and cried). He loves to be chased. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Sites i like to visit.

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the edwards: April 2010


Wednesday, April 14, 2010. Not long ago, Clarke got sick. I hate when Clarke gets sick. However, it is the only time that he will snuggle and let me hold him. So, it's a special time. I got to thinking about it, and I feel like my eyes were opened up to a new aspect of God's love for us. Hang with me for a minute. When do we really crawl up into God's lap and let him hold us and know that he is the only thing that can make it "better"? He's talking a ton.and all of the time. He's rarely quiet unl...We've...

jilledwards.blogspot.com jilledwards.blogspot.com

the edwards: April 2009


Wednesday, April 22, 2009. OMG, I have a One Year Old. On April 7, 2008, we welcomed Clarke into our lives. What a surprise he was. We had been told from the time we were 20 weeks pregnant that we were having a baby girl. So we picked out a name, Jaci Claire, and had very cute custom bedding made for her. Here is a list of his latest accomplishments:. Runs all over the place - and loves to be chased. Is learning to sign. he does 'more' and 'all done'. Bounces his head to the beat of music. He's a really ...

jilledwards.blogspot.com jilledwards.blogspot.com

the edwards: January 2010


Thursday, January 28, 2010. However, I do know some people that have some health issues and concerns that might be helped out by a gluten free diet. I've passed on the little information that I know about gluten. I decided last week that D. and I would try to be completely gluten free for a short period of time. Here are my thoughts from the last several days of our gluten free lifestyle:. I could do it, if I had to. We love that corn tortillas are a great substitute for flour ones. Sites i like to visit.

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the edwards: September 2009


Wednesday, September 23, 2009. Is an example of his words. Daniel and I have called Clarke a burp face every time he has burped since he was born. I guess he thinks it's funny, because he has started to say it all of the time now. It's pretty cute, until he calls another kid a burp face, i guess. Oh well. It could be a lot worse, right? Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Sites i like to visit. View my complete profile.

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the edwards: November 2009


Saturday, November 14, 2009. He has discovered dipping his food in ketchup or ranch dressing. He really likes it, but he's a bit messy. And in the hair. This is a good pirate picture I found that I wanted to add. Clarke does not sit still, not even for one minute. He's a very busy kid. Except when he naps and sleeps. He does those two things very well.I think it's because he is so worn out from going all of the time! Have you ever seen a pirate on a motorcycle? Well, now you have. Playing with his sword.





diariesofadietitian.blogspot.com diariesofadietitian.blogspot.com

Diaries of a Dietitian

Wednesday, 12 August 2015. Did you know that you could cook dishes with cucumber? Or is it just me who is surprised by this? Posted by Dietitians @ PDHU. Soups stews and chowders. Wednesday, 5 August 2015. Cool Down with Soup this Summer. Soups have always been one of my favorite dishes. Especially during the long winter months, as the weather gets cooler, I look forward to making warm, hearty soups that makes me feel warm and cozy. This year I thought why not have soups in the summer? Recipes for the BBQ.

diariesofadirtygirl.blogspot.com diariesofadirtygirl.blogspot.com

The Dirty Girl Diaries

The Dirty Girl Diaries. Wednesday, January 12, 2011. Things are looking LIMP. It looks as if we need to revive this cocktease we have going on here. Is no one out there quite as horny as we used to be? Or have you been too busy. Come on girls, tantalize me, tickle me, tease me. Do you have a new toy? Are there any tricks you've learned and want to share? Links to this post. Wednesday, April 7, 2010. Absence makes the heart grow fonder? Let me just tell you, we have both been cranky- very, very,. It has b...

diariesofadivorcee.com diariesofadivorcee.com

Morning Pages | four out of five overwhelmed women recommend this site

Four out of five overwhelmed women recommend this site. A Room With Many Views. Travel or Spiritual Sojourns. The Greatest Teachers Have Four Legs. Just One Little Prayer. May 30, 2015. Bull; ( 1. If there’s one thing that I would ask, just one little prayer, On bended knee I’d ask my God, Can I always be there? To watch my ducklings grow each day into the people they’re meant to be, To help… Read More ›. Protected: It Snowed the Day My Son Died. May 28, 2015. May 21, 2015. Bull; ( 6. May 7, 2015. So my ...

diariesofadogtrainer.com diariesofadogtrainer.com

Diaries of a Dog Trainer - You thought you wouldn't have to work with people but you were wrong

Diaries of a Dog Trainer. You thought you wouldn't have to work with people but you were wrong. January 22, 2016. I had an email enquiry and this is how it went: Hi, We have a 12 week old Border Collie x Shepperd. When can we start obedience training with him as he is a very active dog. Do you give lessons or group lessons and if so what are the prices. Ta So I called Read More…. January 22, 2016. But Lucy is much more Read More…. January 22, 2016. January 22, 2016. So you want to be a dog trainer?

diariesofadomesticdiva.blogspot.com diariesofadomesticdiva.blogspot.com

Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training)

Diaries of a Southern Domestic Diva (In-Training). Tuesday, March 3, 2009. We stood, held hands, and prayed together for Deacon Dan and his family. We cried together, for this unimaginable act of violence. Tuesday, February 24, 2009. And oh let me tell you, it sure feels like a Fat Tuesday. Whew! I was actually very good this morning and through lunch.but then I splurged for dinner at Olive Garden, Yum! So, I finally to see Confessions of a Shopaholic which was super cute. Not too much like the book,...

diariesofadomesticdiva.com diariesofadomesticdiva.com

Diaries of a Domestic Diva - HOME

Best of Beauty: Sensodyne Deep Clean Toothpaste. Shameless Foodie: Sage Vegan Bistro. OOTD: Linen & Lace. Diva on a Budget. Diva on a Budget. Diva on a Budget. OOTN: Knot on My Watch. Shameless Foodie: Jimmy’s Famous American Tavern. Diva on a Budget. Diva on a Budget. Diva on a Budget. Diva on a Budget. OOTD: Tweedledee, Tweedledum. Best of Beauty: Bioderma Micellar Water. Diva on a Budget. OOTD: LA Roughin’ It. Best of Beauty: Irresistible Me Hairstyles! Diva on a Budget. Diva on a Budget.

diariesofadumpcook.blogspot.com diariesofadumpcook.blogspot.com

Diaries of a Dump Cook

Monday, April 6, 2015. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. The 4 main ingredients that affect how good your cookies turn out are:. Are you ready to have your Chocolate Chip Cookie world rocked? Let's talk Butter. I'll be honest it's one of my favorite ingredients, I'm constantly amazed I don't weigh 500 lbs from the amount of butter I go through in my house. Literally in my freezer I have a whole shelf of butter. So that I always have it. It must be the Southerner in me coming out. Finally the Sugar and Eggs&#4...

diariesofadyingman.blogspot.com diariesofadyingman.blogspot.com

"Diaries of A Dying Man" By Joshua Kline

Diaries of A Dying Man" By Joshua Kline. My hame is Joshua Kline, and I have cancer. Welcome to my thoughts. Tuesday, November 2, 2010. My ribosomal trna tymine complex is neato. So this guy walks up to me. Your RIBOSOMAL TRNA THYMINE COMPLEX is spectacular! You win a million dollars! A moment of lust. With a biological pleasure similar to. Shitting out that marbleized steak. Or pissing out a big gulp. Created a DNA concoction that became me. Generally this is called conception. But that is just me).

diariesofafarmerswife.wordpress.com diariesofafarmerswife.wordpress.com

Diaries of a Farmer's Wife | Sharing a Farmer's Life

Diaries of a Farmer's Wife. Sharing a Farmer's Life. Skip to primary content. Skip to secondary content. February 7, 2016. Diaries of a Farmer's Wife. Thank you for saying “I do”. Thank you for smiling at me in a way that shows me how much you love me. I live life knowing I’m loved deeply, and it’s a wonderful way to live. Thank you for holding me and praying for us when I cried on your shoulder and told you we weren’t going to be able to meet our baby. Thank you for always reaching for my hand. Thank yo...

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Diaries of a Farm Wife

Diaries of a Farm Wife. Wednesday, May 28, 2014. My sweet baby boy was baptized not too long ago. We were waiting until a time when both sides of our families could be in town for it. Which didn't happen until August was seven months old. Needless to say, my super-sized little boy had long outgrown our family baptismal gown at that point. And my great ambitions of making one out of my wedding dress never came to fruition. She says it's a day that should be documented and remembered. And his rocking horse.