experimentalgarden-ncbeesnest.blogspot.com experimentalgarden-ncbeesnest.blogspot.com


Experimental Garden

Saturday, June 15, 2013. To say we had some rain in the last week, is an understatement. This is my road after 4". These are not puddles but two places that the stream has flowed over the road. Thank goodness the stream that was overflowing is back in it's banks. This all started with one peppermint crinum plant. Now we can get up to 50 blooms from the expanded plant. Maybe I will add a little lime and see what happens. Below gives you an idea how big the blooms are. Just gets bigger each year. The one o...














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Experimental Garden | experimentalgarden-ncbeesnest.blogspot.com Reviews
Saturday, June 15, 2013. To say we had some rain in the last week, is an understatement. This is my road after 4. These are not puddles but two places that the stream has flowed over the road. Thank goodness the stream that was overflowing is back in it's banks. This all started with one peppermint crinum plant. Now we can get up to 50 blooms from the expanded plant. Maybe I will add a little lime and see what happens. Below gives you an idea how big the blooms are. Just gets bigger each year. The one o...
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experimental garden,june bloom,posted by,ncbeesnest,3 comments,email this,blogthis,share to twitter,share to facebook,share to pinterest,garden tour,candy cane crinum,dragon wing begonia,stay tuned,no comments,thanks daughter/,also blooming,snowball bush

Experimental Garden | experimentalgarden-ncbeesnest.blogspot.com Reviews


Saturday, June 15, 2013. To say we had some rain in the last week, is an understatement. This is my road after 4". These are not puddles but two places that the stream has flowed over the road. Thank goodness the stream that was overflowing is back in it's banks. This all started with one peppermint crinum plant. Now we can get up to 50 blooms from the expanded plant. Maybe I will add a little lime and see what happens. Below gives you an idea how big the blooms are. Just gets bigger each year. The one o...


experimentalgarden-ncbeesnest.blogspot.com experimentalgarden-ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Experimental Garden: Experimental banana trees


Thursday, March 29, 2012. Our banana grove grows each year. We usually cut off all the trees before the first frost. Last year we tried an experiment and left two trees with just the leaves cut off. During the long hard winter ;) ;), one broke off about midway. Now the trees are coming up. The one that broke off has new leaves coming out the top and it is now 3 feet tall. See the tomatoes grown from seeds? Notice the trowel to show how big they are. Ready to go in the ground. Com'on summer, we are ready.


Experimental Garden: May 2013


Saturday, May 18, 2013. This garden tour is for Millie. Thornless Blackberries are covered with blooms, can hardly wait, yum, yum. Several varieties of blueberries are getting ready to produce and this promises to be a good year. A very small purple iris. Banana tree grove has about 14 so far. Big ones are growing from the old trunks and lot of babies. The largest are about eight feet high. The pot grew back from last year and the frog is a begonia. This is one of the wandering iris. Garden on the Edge.


Experimental Garden: Garden Tour


Saturday, May 18, 2013. This garden tour is for Millie. Thornless Blackberries are covered with blooms, can hardly wait, yum, yum. Several varieties of blueberries are getting ready to produce and this promises to be a good year. A very small purple iris. Banana tree grove has about 14 so far. Big ones are growing from the old trunks and lot of babies. The largest are about eight feet high. The pot grew back from last year and the frog is a begonia. This is one of the wandering iris. Garden on the Edge.


Experimental Garden: June bloom


Saturday, June 15, 2013. To say we had some rain in the last week, is an understatement. This is my road after 4". These are not puddles but two places that the stream has flowed over the road. Thank goodness the stream that was overflowing is back in it's banks. This all started with one peppermint crinum plant. Now we can get up to 50 blooms from the expanded plant. Maybe I will add a little lime and see what happens. Below gives you an idea how big the blooms are. Just gets bigger each year.


Experimental Garden: January 2012


Sunday, January 8, 2012. Eagle in the garden? Actually this post has nothing to do with gardens and everything to do with my son the Eagle. Eagle Court of Honor, January 7, 2012, Hillsborough United Methodist Church. Welcome by Zach Barnett. Skit - humor warm up. Reaffirming the Scout Oath and Laws. Proud Aunt and Uncle. Terry Hackett tells the story of Zack the Cub Scout and Boy Scout. Waiting with Eagle escorts, James Brown and Phil Witham. He soars with Eagles. Zack and proud Doug. Garden on the Edge.





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Beesnest: July 2011


Thursday, July 28, 2011. Since becoming honey bee keepers we have become more aware of the many, many kinds of bees in our garden. All of them are polinators and are appreciated. Hubby received this Mason Bee hive as a gift. We hung it on the garage. If you look closely you will see that several of the pieces of bamboo are blocked. The bees have laid eggs and sealed up the openings. Tuesday, July 19, 2011. Hot time in the summer. Ever wonder what bees do when it is in the 90s? Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: December 2010


Wednesday, December 22, 2010. Winter Solstice Good News. Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window today and saw activity. The temp is 51 and that is barely warm enough for them to venture out. Good news that we have live bees in both hives! Now girls get back in there before the sun sets. Hang in there girls . the days are getting longer! Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). View my complete profile. Winter Solstice Good News. When a gardener collects vintage postcards. Garden on the Edge.

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: March 2012


Thursday, March 8, 2012. Spring in the Bee Yard. Last spring we lost both colonies in the two hives we had started one year previously. There were lots and lots of dead bees on the bottom board. The inspector had looked at the empty hive boxes and determined that the colonies had likely starved to death during the winter because they were weak. We bought two nucs and installed the new colonies in the hives. And there were only a few dead bees. Keep your fingers crossed. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). When a...

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: Hot time in the summer


Tuesday, July 19, 2011. Hot time in the summer. Ever wonder what bees do when it is in the 90s? Thousands of workers busy building comb, making honey, feeding the babies, feeding the Queen (she never feeds herself). This plus a hive box in the sun most of the day with very little ventilation must get very very hot. They sit on the veranda and fan themselves. This is called "bearding" in the bee keeper world, for obvious reasons. They also send out the foragers to get water for all the workers.

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: Spring in the Bee Yard


Thursday, March 8, 2012. Spring in the Bee Yard. Last spring we lost both colonies in the two hives we had started one year previously. There were lots and lots of dead bees on the bottom board. The inspector had looked at the empty hive boxes and determined that the colonies had likely starved to death during the winter because they were weak. We bought two nucs and installed the new colonies in the hives. And there were only a few dead bees. Keep your fingers crossed. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom).

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: February 2011


Saturday, February 19, 2011. Warm Day in February. All winter bee keepers have to just sit and wait and hope. When the temp gets above 50 degrees you will see a few bees out for a potty break. They will not potty in the hive. What we thought was our strongest hive, yellow, had not had any bees out on warm days in the last month. The green hive always had a few who would venture out. First we smoke the hive to cover up any pheromones that might tell the bees, "Intruders, attack". We found a few dead bees ...

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: September 2010


Wednesday, September 8, 2010. More photos from Honey collection. Here are some more photos from the honey collection. Hot, sweaty and sweet work! Saturday, September 4, 2010. Robbers in Aggie's hive. Tuesday, August 31, 2010. We went to Aggie's to rob the honey from her bee hive. This is quite a process and it involves taking what the honey bees have labored long and hard to produce. That said, they just might resent us taking their honey. To get the bees to leave the super we spray a product called Bee ...

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: July 2010


Tuesday, July 13, 2010. You can see why this is called a beard. This picture was taken early this morning and the crowd will increase as the sun comes up. Compare it to the green hive which has significantly fewer bees. Thursday, July 8, 2010. Did I say it is HOT? This is more of a garden update than a bee update but does contain info on the girls. These herbs survived thanks to the jug of water with one small hole in the bottom and the cap on top to seal it in. But they left some for us. When a gardener...

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: May 2011


Friday, May 13, 2011. Today we met the bee inspector at our friends hive. We have been helping with her hive and because we are newbees we wanted him to take a look and make sure all was well. She has had this hive for three years and last year she lost a second hive to wax moths. We will inspect the hive again in about two weeks. We did find hive beetles and they are not usually a problem unless the colony is weak. While we were there we peaked at the cardinals in the nest by her front door. Today he de...

ncbeesnest.blogspot.com ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Beesnest: SWARM


Sunday, April 8, 2012. Looked out the window and noticed lots and lots of bees flying from the hive, spiraling up in the air. uh oh, they are going to swarm. Yep, they did. But they landed in a dogwood tree in the front yard. Not too high up. Call the SWARM PATROL! We are members of the Orange County Beekeepers Association and we called the swarm patrol. Members who are informed and experienced go out and capture swarms. Dumped then bees in the box and put the lid on it. Then dump buckets of bees on ...





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Experimental Gameplay

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experimentalgarden-ncbeesnest.blogspot.com experimentalgarden-ncbeesnest.blogspot.com

Experimental Garden

Saturday, June 15, 2013. To say we had some rain in the last week, is an understatement. This is my road after 4". These are not puddles but two places that the stream has flowed over the road. Thank goodness the stream that was overflowing is back in it's banks. This all started with one peppermint crinum plant. Now we can get up to 50 blooms from the expanded plant. Maybe I will add a little lime and see what happens. Below gives you an idea how big the blooms are. Just gets bigger each year. The one o...

experimentalgarden.blogspot.com experimentalgarden.blogspot.com

The Great Experiment

All about an Austin garden whose keeper has no idea what she's doing. Friday, January 25, 2008. It's cold, it's rainy, and I'm staying inside. I brought in my cacti and plumeria. Months ago. The plumeria. Has lost most of its leaves, but that happened. Last year, too. I was too lazy to go out and buy mulch this year, so I piled all of the leaves that fell off of the pecan tree onto the flower beds. and that's about it. Posted by r r s at 1/25/2008 01:36:00 PM. Links to this post. Tuesday, October 02, 2007.

experimentalgardener.com experimentalgardener.com

The Experimental Gardener | Discovering what works...and what doesn't in the Tower Garden

What’s a Tower Garden? Jun 16, 2016. A Tower Garden is an aeroponic growing system. Using just water and a nutrient called Tower Tonic, a wide variety of vegetables and herbs can be grown. Visit skoontz.towergarden.com to find out. Can I Grow Tomatoes Indoors on the Tower Garden? Nov 19, 2015. Sweet Basil in the Tower Garden. Sep 13, 2015. Fix Tower Garden Pump – SDH230. Aug 21, 2015. Cut Your Own Rockwool – Arugula in the Tower Garden. Aug 14, 2015. In order to get more space for growing arugula in the ...

experimentalgardening.blogspot.com experimentalgardening.blogspot.com

Experimental Gardening

Friday, 15 July 2011. I'll be gorging on wild strawberries pretty soon! In case you don't remember (or have not been here before) - it's the same plant that travelled through half of Europe in an ordinary postal package, straight from my parents' garden to mine. It looked rather sad right after the transit:. The brave strawberries regained life pretty soon, within a month or so being covered in fresh green leaves and sprouting first tentative flowers. But wild strawberries are definitely a bright success.

experimentalgarmentlab.blogspot.com experimentalgarmentlab.blogspot.com


Friday, June 3, 2011. Is a project by Ellis Droog and Romy van den Broek. The entire swimwear line is created without a thread and needle using production techniques including laser cutting and 3d prototyping. PSFK reported on a 3D-Printed Bikini hitting the market developed by. Http:/ www.psfk.com/2011/06/3d-printed-bikini-is-ready-to-wear.html. Thursday, June 2, 2011. BioCouture has been shown in Trash Fashion: designing out of waste. At the Antenna Science Museum. Friday, April 22, 2011. Http:/ www&#4...

experimentalgarten.blogspot.com experimentalgarten.blogspot.com

botanische experimente

Dienstag, 11. August 2015. Es waechst und wuchert.palmenedition. Meine hyophorbe lagenicaulis, flaschenpalme, streckt sich. Die fiederblaetter faechern auf und haengen dekorativ im bogen, das schwert schiebt und schiebt und beginnt sich zu teilen. also heb ich sie heute mal aus den topf. Ueberall wurzeln. hingen aus dem pflanztopf. aus den pflanztopf geschuettelt (vorsichtig, fragil die wurzeln) ueberall wurzeln. Da faellt mir ein, ich sollte dringend einen sack quarzsand kaufen. Ok, ich zieh die im wint...