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Jim and Katie plus Baby

Jim and Katie plus Baby. Tuesday, March 2, 2010. 35 weeks- only 35 days to go! Well, today we are 35 weeks! I can't believe it.only 35 days till we meet our sweet little girl! My belly is steadily growing and growing! Here is a pic from last week and then this week:. As you can see.a BIG difference in just a week! It is brand new.so we are really lucky! We start going to the dr weekly starting next Tuesday.WOW that means we are close! 19 pounds so far.YIKES! That is scary :). Best Moment this wee. I have...














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Jim and Katie plus Baby | jimandkatieplusbaby.blogspot.com Reviews
Jim and Katie plus Baby. Tuesday, March 2, 2010. 35 weeks- only 35 days to go! Well, today we are 35 weeks! I can't believe it.only 35 days till we meet our sweet little girl! My belly is steadily growing and growing! Here is a pic from last week and then this week:. As you can see.a BIG difference in just a week! It is brand new.so we are really lucky! We start going to the dr weekly starting next Tuesday.WOW that means we are close! 19 pounds so far.YIKES! That is scary :). Best Moment this wee. I have...
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3 pregnancy highlights
4 total weight gain
5 maternity c lothes
6 ummyeah
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10 love
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skip to main,skip to sidebar,pregnancy highlights,total weight gain,maternity c lothes,ummyeah,movement,food craving,sleep,love,posted by,jim and katie,3 comments,single digits now,hey everyone,we are,how far along,maternity clothes,gender,what i miss

Jim and Katie plus Baby | jimandkatieplusbaby.blogspot.com Reviews


Jim and Katie plus Baby. Tuesday, March 2, 2010. 35 weeks- only 35 days to go! Well, today we are 35 weeks! I can't believe it.only 35 days till we meet our sweet little girl! My belly is steadily growing and growing! Here is a pic from last week and then this week:. As you can see.a BIG difference in just a week! It is brand new.so we are really lucky! We start going to the dr weekly starting next Tuesday.WOW that means we are close! 19 pounds so far.YIKES! That is scary :). Best Moment this wee. I have...


jimandkatieplusbaby.blogspot.com jimandkatieplusbaby.blogspot.com

Jim and Katie plus Baby: Baby Fun :)


Jim and Katie plus Baby. Friday, January 1, 2010. Well, my Christmas Break is quickly coming to an end. Jim and I did have a GREAT Christmas and New Years.I can't believe we are in 2010! Ainsley will be here before we know it! We are starting to get all of her things ready! All of the furniture is here and put together in the nursery. The painter is hopefully coming tomorrow to get the room all ready! I can't wait. I will post pics of before and after! Jim and I also went and started registering! So keep...


Jim and Katie plus Baby: November 2009


Jim and Katie plus Baby. Thursday, November 26, 2009. I wrote this post at Thanksgiving.but never got around to posting it! Better late than never :). I have so many things to be thankful for this year. I am thankful for my sup. Thankful for my amazing, selfless, supportive best friend I call my husband. Thankful for this precious miracle that God has chosen for Jim and myself. Thankful that so far this precious baby is healthy and right on track :). Thankful for the beautiful house Jim and I live in.


Jim and Katie plus Baby: December 2009


Jim and Katie plus Baby. Sunday, December 27, 2009. I hope everyone had a FABULOUS Christmas. We certainly did :) Jim and I are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. We headed to my Grandmother's house (mom's mom) Christmas Eve morning and spent time with family. My dad's family also lives near there, so Jim and I headed over to my Aunt Debbie's house to visit with them as well! 160;Overall, it was a GREAT time had by all! Here are a few pics:. In baby news: I will be 26 weeks on Tuesday!


Jim and Katie plus Baby: October 2009


Jim and Katie plus Baby. Wednesday, October 21, 2009. I hope everyone has had a great week so far. Jim and I have been very busy around our house! I think I am already "nesting" and trying to get everything ready before baby gets here! We got a new light fixtur. E in our master bathroom! We also got our kitchen and dining rooms painted. Here are some pics:. And now for baby news.which is really what all of you out of town people want to hear! Here is a pic for all those not here! Jim, Katie, and Baby Cobb.


Jim and Katie plus Baby: 35 weeks- only 35 days to go!!!


Jim and Katie plus Baby. Tuesday, March 2, 2010. 35 weeks- only 35 days to go! Well, today we are 35 weeks! I can't believe it.only 35 days till we meet our sweet little girl! My belly is steadily growing and growing! Here is a pic from last week and then this week:. As you can see.a BIG difference in just a week! It is brand new.so we are really lucky! We start going to the dr weekly starting next Tuesday.WOW that means we are close! 19 pounds so far.YIKES! That is scary :). Best Moment this wee. I have...





thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: Mother of 2 Again


Saturday, June 11, 2011. Mother of 2 Again. Well, I'm now the mother of 2 (AGAIN)! Addy came back home today from being at my parent's for a week. She went to GiGi's and Grandaddy's because my mom wanted Addy to go to VBS at her church. She had a great time. My brother came in on Monday to my parent's with my nephew, Jude. Jude ended up staying the rest of the week with Addy, so she had a partner in crime for the week. Of course Jude is only 14 months old! No, I'm not a bad mother! We enjoy every day!

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: Wordless Wednesday - Summer Fun


Wednesday, June 22, 2011. Wordless Wednesday - Summer Fun. Sorry there is only 1 picture of Addy! She doesn't like to look at the camera any more so its hard to get a good pic of her! So cute. I especially love the one of the spray park one. June 24, 2011 at 8:29 PM. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). About the Strickland Family. We enjoy every day! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers. Friday Fellowship - Renee Crosse. From Corporate to Domestic. Our Happily Ever Afters. Life at 7000 feet. Life As We Know It.

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: January 2010


Saturday, January 30, 2010. Well, I guess if you want to call it a snow storm then you probably had snow. We however got nada! We did get ice here in Collierville and a tiny bit of snow, but not enough to do anything with! Of course in Lexington, she has gotten to go outside and play because they got LOTS of snow! My parents said she has been playing nonstop outside and they even took her sledding! I wish I could have been there with her (even though I couldn't have done the sledding! She asks about her ...

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: October 2010


Saturday, October 9, 2010. Sorry I haven't written in a while, but its been very busy around the Strickland household. Stone is almost 5 months! He has been growing fast! He has made an awesome addition to our family. Addy loves him and loves to show him off. He has begun to roll over. He can get from his back to belly, but then gets stuck. And he has such a temper that he becomes really mad and screams until someone comes and turns him back over. Of course he flips right back over! About the Strickland ...

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: My Babies


Addy is a 4 year old princess! She is bossy as any 1st born! She is as girly as a girl can get. Very stubborn when it comes to things she doesn't want to do or try. She loves to dance! She will only eat cinnamon or chocolate chip waffles and bread! So I guess you could call her a PICKY eater! She always wants to be accepted and gets very upset when she upsets someone. She looks like a mini me! I love this girl to death! He is such a boy! He gets into everything and anything! Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: March 2010


Sunday, March 28, 2010. I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. It has been very busy this past month. The biggest things was Addy turned 3! D it was now in several giant pieces. Lucky for us, it still landed in the box and not on the floor. We assume she was trying to show Jonas when the cake was a little too heavy for her and she dropped it. Needless to say I was a little distraught! We pieced it back together and took it to the party anyway! We got Addy's "new room" painted and the furniture moved ove...

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: February 2010


Monday, February 15, 2010. I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day! A lot has been going on here at the Strickland house since my last post. Last Monday we had a big snow here in Collierville. It was very exciting because we got to take Addy outside and build a HUGE snowman. We had so much fun that morning. But of course things had to be ruined by that afternoon when the rain came in! Addy got a surprise last weekend too. She got to go home with her Grandmama which she was overjoyed about! It is goin...

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: The Sprinkler Park


Thursday, June 9, 2011. I took Stone to the sprinkler park for the first time. Addy is in Lexington this week for VBS at my parent's church, so it was just Stone and me. He was very hesitant at first, but once he found out what he could do there was not stopping him! He was all over the place! He ran back and forth each time a new sprinkler came on. He is a lot braver than Addy was at his age! We will be going back next week (the 3 of us) to see both of them playing out in the water. We enjoy every day!

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: May 2010


Tuesday, May 4, 2010. The Pink Princess Room: The Final Product. We finally got everything finished in Addy's room this past weekend. She calls it her "pink" room. Of course she loves it! Here are some pictures of it. I also have included some pics of Stone's room, but everything is not quite finished and we have all of his stuff packed in there right now. So please over look the clutter! Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). About the Strickland Family. We enjoy every day! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers.

thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com thestricklandfamilyof4.blogspot.com

The Strickland Family: Pour Your Heart Out


Wednesday, June 22, 2011. Pour Your Heart Out. Okay so this a little (maybe a lot) off topic than my normal family posts, but its just something I have to get out there! I don't know what to do! It's not that I am that overweight, but I look like I'm still 4/5 months pregnant and my baby is 13 MONTHS old! I told myself that I would really work on it this summer because I don't know about you guys, but its too hard to work out while you have a full time job AND 2 kids to chase around! NOT 1 FREAKING POUND!





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Kaitlyn Fanning and James Smith's Wedding Website

After Party and Sunday BBQ. After Party and Sunday BBQ. From the church to The Grand. From the church to the Holiday Inn Express. July 22, 2017. Jim and I both went to Siena College together and met when we were freshman, but we didn't start officially dating until the end of our junior year in May 2009. On September 12. Saturday, July 22, 2017. Attire: Semi- Formal Attire Suggested. St Christophers Roman Catholic Church. South Broadway and Garden St, Red Hook, NY 12751. Elizabeth Garber - Maid of Honor.

jimandkatethornton.blogspot.com jimandkatethornton.blogspot.com

Thornton Thoughts

My favorite thing this summer. Spot goes to School. View my complete profile. Thursday, October 6, 2011. My favorite thing this summer. Undoubtedly, my favorite thing in Paris this summer was the Paris Plages - the Paris Beaches. It is impossible for me to describe the scale of this thing. This picture attempts to show you but picture this for over a mile. Here was my view across the river one day we were at the beach. See? If the kids got too hot, they had misters everywhere for them to run through, squ...

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Jim and Kathy's Corner

Jim and Kathy's Corner. Our Favorites (Hobbies, Short Stories, Gardening, Scrap-Booking). Travel (Alaska, Alabama, Cruises). Discover Resources To Increase Your Business Profits And Develop Wealth! Greetings from Jim and Kathy Clark. Sharing Business Ideas, Stories, and Hobbies. Do you often get frustrated trying to find HELP on the Internet or find the items you are searching for? It is my hope that this Site will assist you. We don't like to keep Secrets. We truly hope to make your life easier. We beli...

jimandkatieplusbaby.blogspot.com jimandkatieplusbaby.blogspot.com

Jim and Katie plus Baby

Jim and Katie plus Baby. Tuesday, March 2, 2010. 35 weeks- only 35 days to go! Well, today we are 35 weeks! I can't believe it.only 35 days till we meet our sweet little girl! My belly is steadily growing and growing! Here is a pic from last week and then this week:. As you can see.a BIG difference in just a week! It is brand new.so we are really lucky! We start going to the dr weekly starting next Tuesday.WOW that means we are close! 19 pounds so far.YIKES! That is scary :). Best Moment this wee. I have...

jimandkatiestexastrip2011.blogspot.com jimandkatiestexastrip2011.blogspot.com

Jim and Katie'sTexas Trip2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011. Ken and Vickey went to Mexico yesterday to carry on the work of Sr. Maureen while she is recovering from her double knee surgery, they also look after their own sponsor's kids while they are there. Message from our Vicky "Hola" and she misses us. Made our day! We miss her too! Now that we're home. Thursday, April 7, 2011. Still tired after the long drive, but I find it's normal to be tired for about three days or so after getting home. Update on Sister Maureen. We didn't stay lo...

jimandkatybrown.blogspot.com jimandkatybrown.blogspot.com

The Brown Family Blog

The Brown Family Blog. Friday, April 1, 2011. Cousin Amy helps Mari open up her Rapuzel doll from Tangled! New Year's Resolutions.2011. Thursday, November 25, 2010. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! Saturday, April 24, 2010. Everyone is on the Mend! April has been a very trying and showery month for us. Jim has been in and out of the hospital with medical issues, I was in a car accident, my Grandma Graham passed away, and my children's father finally lost his battle with ALS. Wednesday, March 3, 2010.

jimandkatyburns.blogspot.com jimandkatyburns.blogspot.com

The Burns Family

We're your typical family with plenty of DRAMA to spare. Tuesday, December 9, 2008. Send your own ElfYourself. Tuesday, November 25, 2008. This past weekend I went to Salt Lake. With some of my girl friends. We stayed the night at the Red Lion. It was so nice to get away, and just enjoy some time with my friends. Friday night we made reservations at P.F. Changs. That night we got to our room and just stayed up and talked till 1:30am. It was so great. We had tickets to Twilight at 1:30pm. It wasn't as good.

jimandkay.com jimandkay.com

Jim & Kay + English – Online English Learning

Jim and Kay English. Hi, we are English language teachers with over a decade of experience. Welcome to our learning space. For business and life. Because we want to help you reach your. Are You Money Sick? Follow Jim and Kay English on WordPress.com. Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets. 2018 Jim and Kay English. Powered by WordPress.com.

jimandkaygraff.blogspot.com jimandkaygraff.blogspot.com

The Graffs

Tuesday, January 10, 2012. I missed all of 2011. Didn't post a thing, and believe me there was a lot I could have posted. But, rather than reviewing all that I missed, I'm just going to start now, at the beginning of a new year. (OK, 10 days into the new year.). Jim and I spent New Year's Eve in Oceanside again. He loves that place! Don't Stress the Small Stuff.and it's All Small Stuff. That I am really enjoying reading. It really puts a calmer, less stressful perspective on everything. The condo is rent...