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Davis Diaries

Saturday, August 27, 2011. Since Macs aren't compatible with Windows Live Writer, I had to switch to Wordpress for our Davis Family Blog. I am so sad to leave this one, but have finally found a good blog system to use! Please visit www.thedavisdiaries.wordpress.com for fun updates on our family! Posted by Kelley and Addison. Sunday, August 7, 2011. Hello out there, to all of you who used to read this blog. I have a lot to share! Posted by Kelley and Addison. Tuesday, July 12, 2011. The first night of com...














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Davis Diaries | jimmyandkelleydavis.blogspot.com Reviews
Saturday, August 27, 2011. Since Macs aren't compatible with Windows Live Writer, I had to switch to Wordpress for our Davis Family Blog. I am so sad to leave this one, but have finally found a good blog system to use! Please visit www.thedavisdiaries.wordpress.com for fun updates on our family! Posted by Kelley and Addison. Sunday, August 7, 2011. Hello out there, to all of you who used to read this blog. I have a lot to share! Posted by Kelley and Addison. Tuesday, July 12, 2011. The first night of com...
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Davis Diaries | jimmyandkelleydavis.blogspot.com Reviews


Saturday, August 27, 2011. Since Macs aren't compatible with Windows Live Writer, I had to switch to Wordpress for our Davis Family Blog. I am so sad to leave this one, but have finally found a good blog system to use! Please visit www.thedavisdiaries.wordpress.com for fun updates on our family! Posted by Kelley and Addison. Sunday, August 7, 2011. Hello out there, to all of you who used to read this blog. I have a lot to share! Posted by Kelley and Addison. Tuesday, July 12, 2011. The first night of com...


jimmyandkelleydavis.blogspot.com jimmyandkelleydavis.blogspot.com

Davis Diaries: March 2011


Saturday, March 19, 2011. Best Week. Ever. This week was better than great! 160; Addison and I had a blast together each day! Anyway, about this week…. Sunday started the perfect week off just right! 160; We went to Berryhill for some margaritas on the patio, then to a concert in the park with Leigh Ann and Paul.  Mom met us there and we all had a great time, with perfect weather! On Monday, Addison and I went out to have lunch with Jimmy at work.  I do not envy his drive everyday! She kicked, splashed a...


Davis Diaries: April 2011


Friday, April 29, 2011. Did you watch it? 160; Oh man, I did and I loved every minute of it! 160; Ok, not every minute, a lot of the ceremony was quite boring, but it was so exciting! 160; So classy and beautiful! 160; I LOVE her dress! I never realized how bald Prince William is.  Maybe he should follow the lead of Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney and never take his hat off.  He looks much better with a hat on. 160; Can you tell she is watching them ride off in their carriage in the picture below? 8221;&#16...


Davis Diaries: May 2011


Tuesday, May 10, 2011. Exciting Day at School! Monday was a very exciting day at Galatas Elementary School! Mrs Lindsay (our principal) was awarded the Principal of the Year Award for the State of Texas! 160; Out of 5,000 teachers, she was chosen to be the best! Dr Stockton, the Superintendent for CISD, knew about her award and told her he was coming to campus to read to all of our students. . When the presentation was over, we had a very special visitor stop by K2! 160; I was nervous the whole time!


Davis Diaries: September 2010


Sunday, September 5, 2010. We Finally Get to Slow Down! The past few weeks, this has been my home away from home…. School started a few weeks ago.  We have been busy juggling our new schedules with early mornings, work, playing with Addison and helping out at the church. We finally get to slow down a bit since we have tomorrow off for Labor Day! Addison has really been grabbing onto things and putting them in her mouth! I have still been taking her weekly pictures! 160; I am so so glad I am doing this!


Davis Diaries: February 2011


Monday, February 28, 2011. Fabulous, gorgeous, wonderful weekend! On Friday night, we headed to Arlington for the Cowtown Half Marathon! Saturday was a long day, but we had a blast! 160; I didn’t sleep very well all weekend because Addison didn’t sleep very well all weekend.  She woke up several times in the middle of the nights and probably didn’t know where she was.  Nonetheless, she was the happiest baby in the world all weekend. Sunday morning, we had to leave the house at 5:25! Mom and jimmy stayed ...





jeremyandkatiegray.blogspot.com jeremyandkatiegray.blogspot.com

Jeremy, Katie and Cash: April 2012


Jeremy, Katie and Cash. Adventures in life, love, and laughter. April 27, 2012. Our Day at the Beach! We took Cash to the beach for the first time this last Sunday. We packed up the car and headed to Galveston early that morning. We got to Galveston's East beach around 10:00am. There was nobody there. It was perfect! Hanging out in our tent :) Isn't he so stinkin' cute? We had a very busy Easter. On Palm Sunday Cash's school had a children's program at the church. All of the children led worship,...It wa...

jeremyandkatiegray.blogspot.com jeremyandkatiegray.blogspot.com

Jeremy, Katie and Cash: Day to day activities of a little boy growing too fast


Jeremy, Katie and Cash. Adventures in life, love, and laughter. July 15, 2012. Day to day activities of a little boy growing too fast. In the last week or so Cash has been getting into everything! Seems like every time I turn around he is getting into something he shouldn't. Cash LOVES the dogs' toys. I almost think he likes them more than his own. Zeus has a bone that he always chews on and that has become Cash's go to toy. I'm not doing anything wrong! He also likes when we comb his hair after the bath.

prazak4.blogspot.com prazak4.blogspot.com

The Prazaks: September 2008


Friday, September 5, 2008. Brady's 4 Month Appointment. Brady had his four month appointment today and the doctor said he looked great! He is measuring 25 1/2 inches long (60 percentile) and was 17lbs. 8oz. (95 percentile). We have a future Red Raider football player on our hands! Poor guy had 4 shots and a oral vaccination and wasn't feeling too good this afternoon. We get to begin rice cereal now too. Need to fatten the boy up! Wednesday, September 3, 2008. Brady snoozing on Aunt Sandy (dad's sister).

prazak4.blogspot.com prazak4.blogspot.com

The Prazaks: Halloween/Missouri Trip


Monday, November 3, 2008. We left Sunday morning for the 11 hour car ride home. The boys did great in the car but we are glad to be home! Now back to getting the new house unpacked and fixed up which I think might take years! Jennifer and I got a good laugh out of who was replying. Once we got back an "Awesome! We knew it wasn't Kerry : ). November 4, 2008 at 12:40 PM. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Tales from the Pickle. He is 2 years old and we are soon to have another son, Brady!

jeremyandkatiegray.blogspot.com jeremyandkatiegray.blogspot.com

Jeremy, Katie and Cash: July 2012


Jeremy, Katie and Cash. Adventures in life, love, and laughter. July 15, 2012. Day to day activities of a little boy growing too fast. In the last week or so Cash has been getting into everything! Seems like every time I turn around he is getting into something he shouldn't. Cash LOVES the dogs' toys. I almost think he likes them more than his own. Zeus has a bone that he always chews on and that has become Cash's go to toy. I'm not doing anything wrong! He also likes when we comb his hair after the bath.

jeremyandkatiegray.blogspot.com jeremyandkatiegray.blogspot.com

Jeremy, Katie and Cash: Father's Day 2012


Jeremy, Katie and Cash. Adventures in life, love, and laughter. July 06, 2012. Cash and I had a lot of fun planning Jeremy's first Father's Day! My boys did such a good job with Mother's Day that I knew I had to make his day just as special. Jeremy loves cinnamon rolls, so I found an easy recipe for homemade cinnamon rolls. These were really easy to do, because I didn't have to make the dough. That was my main fear, so when I found this recipe I thought "I can do this! Cash ready to eat his breakfast too!

cindymac7.blogspot.com cindymac7.blogspot.com

Life in the Fast Lane: March 2010


Wednesday, March 31, 2010. Needless to say, I didn't have time to get to the last store but here it is anyway! Bath and Body Works:. Retail $31 plus tax.I paid $11.23 total. Collection of Target, CVS. I didn't add up the original prices but I spent $3 $8 $7= $18 total. It may not look like a whole lot, but if you take into consideration what's in this picture I think $18 is pretty good! I have a lot of fun bargain shopping and look forward to matching up coupons with ads each week! Besides wanting to GO ...

cindymac7.blogspot.com cindymac7.blogspot.com

Life in the Fast Lane: September already?!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011. Time sure does fly! I can't believe it's September already. I must say I'm super excited though. Fall is my FAVORITE! I love the weather, colors, decorations, food, holidays, etc. I can't wait to put up my fall decorations and have all the windows open, while cooking and baking, friends over to watch football. I love it! On with the real "news". :). Brad finally got a new job! Other news, we made it to 10 weeks. Haylee is doing great! She loves it and has so much fun playing w...

cindymac7.blogspot.com cindymac7.blogspot.com

Life in the Fast Lane: July 2011


Wednesday, July 27, 2011. I'm a day behind. I'm sorry I didn't post the results yesterday. Let's just say the day ended in a score of TUESDAY-1 CINDY-0. It wasn't a bad day really, just one of those days where an "I'm done! Is absolutely necessary before dinner has even been made. I got great news at the doctor! My level went up to 364, more than double, which is awesome. Our next appt is Tuesday, August 9 for a sonogram! Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes and feel free to keep them coming!





jimmyandkate.wordpress.com jimmyandkate.wordpress.com

Jimmy and Kate's Blog

Jimmy and Kate's Blog. Asheville – 2011. Nella’s Newborn Pictures. An Unexpected Visit to Levine. August 14, 2017. I planned on writing this post last week since some comments were made about a cliff hanger so I apologize for:. Leaving the teaser it really wasn’t my intention. Not writing the post earlier back at work, new babyyou get the idea. Last post I left off coming home from the hospital for a somewhat calm start to our family of 5. It didn’t go as planned. Bundled up and hooked up. As McCauley wa...

jimmyandkathia.blogspot.com jimmyandkathia.blogspot.com

Nossa vida / Our life

Nossa vida / Our life. Sunday, November 30, 2008. A vida continua. eu ainda existo kkk. Muitas coisas tem acontecido, eu sei que não só na minha vida mas na vida de todos nós. Graças a Deus apesar de qual for o tamanho da tempestade sempre Ele está ao nosso lado e com a sua tremenda fidelidade. Nós aqui em casa ainda não compramos nada para ninguém, e como também estamos no clima de economizar é bem provavel que não tenhamos nada para nós mesmos :(. Espero voltar a postar antes do natal, e me readaptar a...

jimmyandkatie.blogspot.com jimmyandkatie.blogspot.com

Johnson Family

Friday, November 2, 2012. Halloween, a cruise and Jason Mraz. This isn't the greatest picture but I had to include it! Emily surprised me for our birthday with Jason Mraz tickets! The concert was amazing and we got upgraded seats-it was a wonderful night! Jimmy and I finally took our make-up cruise. It didn't break down this time woot woot! It was a great relaxation and it was just me and Jimmy-it hasn't really been that way for four years! I had to take a picture of these stairs! We had fun at dinner!

jimmyandkatie.com jimmyandkatie.com

Jimmy and Katie

Please enter your email address.

jimmyandkatierobison.blogspot.com jimmyandkatierobison.blogspot.com

Jimmy + Katie

August 7, 2004: Jimmy and Katie meet at a wedding in Idaho. They remained friends via email and phone for a few months and Jimmy would take Katie out on dates when he'd come visit in Utah. Favorite date October 2004: He says the walk to the waterfall where I held Katie's hand for the first time. She says the movie 50 First Dates when we cuddled for the first time. March 2005: Katie leaves for her mission to the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo West mission. She writes to Jimmy. December 11,2007: Engaged.

jimmyandkelleydavis.blogspot.com jimmyandkelleydavis.blogspot.com

Davis Diaries

Saturday, August 27, 2011. Since Macs aren't compatible with Windows Live Writer, I had to switch to Wordpress for our Davis Family Blog. I am so sad to leave this one, but have finally found a good blog system to use! Please visit www.thedavisdiaries.wordpress.com for fun updates on our family! Posted by Kelley and Addison. Sunday, August 7, 2011. Hello out there, to all of you who used to read this blog. I have a lot to share! Posted by Kelley and Addison. Tuesday, July 12, 2011. The first night of com...

jimmyandkelli.blogspot.com jimmyandkelli.blogspot.com

Jimmy, Kelli, and Claire

Jimmy, Kelli, and Claire. No it's Iowa" -Field of Dreams. Thursday, June 28, 2012. On friday-June 22nd- we celebrated the 1st birthday of our sweet baby girl. I can't believe it has been a whole year since she joined us. I love her more than words could possibly describe. She is our whole world. She is growing so fast and has learned so much in just one year it is crazy. Here are some pictures from her birthday photo shoot. We threw her a little party- she devoured her cake! It is so funny! We took a fam...

jimmyandkelsey.wordpress.com jimmyandkelsey.wordpress.com

Jimmyandkelsey's Weblog | Just another WordPress.com weblog

Just another WordPress.com weblog. Ver los Cielos Abiertos. Trips Thus Far…. June 4, 2009. Few people use interpreters in their jobs in the United States, and even fewer have ever had to serve — formally or informally — in that capacity, so the difficulty of interpreting. From left: Guadalupe (nurse practitioner), Lidia (Kelsey’s English student/secretary for government health workers), Nohemi (medical/dental assistant), Martita (medical/dental assistant), Jimmy, Kelsey, Craig (doctor), Carmen (doc...

jimmyandkeren.com jimmyandkeren.com

Flour & Rice

February 25, 2015. Welcome to Flour and Rice, a WuRohe production! We hope to use this blog to document our life (which mostly involves food, thus the title) in pictures and in words. Whether you're a friend, family, or a total stranger, welcome, and we hope you enjoy what we have to show and tell. You must select a collection to display. The requested social account cannot be found. This is a block field. You can put any content in here.

jimmyandkimmy.blogspot.com jimmyandkimmy.blogspot.com


True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being of one's companion." Gordon B. Hinckley. Saturday, April 16, 2011. Tuesday, February 22, 2011. Sunday, January 16, 2011. She is alot of fun. So there you go. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Happy 2011! Wednesday, October 6, 2010. This year i put my Halloween decorations up on the 1st! Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Dax, Steph, Ryan, and Chloe. J,J and j Singleton Chronicles. A Clip About Us.

jimmyandkimthorpe.blogspot.com jimmyandkimthorpe.blogspot.com

Our mess in the midst of God's Miracles.

Our mess in the midst of God's Miracles. Monday, December 3, 2012. Nana, Ruthie and I embarked on what we hoped would be our last trip to Cincinnati for a while. We nicknamed it our "Miracle Confirmation" trip. Because by all intensive purposes, Ruthie appears healed and has never shown any sign of respiratory distress or any problems or concerns since her surgery. We assumed she was healed and haven't really worried much. That is until about 2 days before her appointment. She is so big! Ruthie is curren...