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Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind

Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Monday, October 01, 2007. Posted by eva.ave. Links to this post. Sunday, April 29, 2007. What Hurts The Most. What Hurts The Most". I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house. That don’t bother me. I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out. I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while. Even though going on with you gone still upsets me. There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok. But that’s not what gets me. What hurts the most.














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Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind | randomoveractivity.blogspot.com Reviews
Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Monday, October 01, 2007. Posted by eva.ave. Links to this post. Sunday, April 29, 2007. What Hurts The Most. What Hurts The Most. I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house. That don’t bother me. I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out. I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while. Even though going on with you gone still upsets me. There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok. But that’s not what gets me. What hurts the most.
1 skip to main
2 skip to sidebar
3 a new beginning
4 2 comments
5 and never knowing
6 still harder
7 posted by
8 marcus
9 no comments
10 genuine
Page content here
skip to main,skip to sidebar,a new beginning,2 comments,and never knowing,still harder,posted by,marcus,no comments,genuine,stable,far from it,happy,time and space,is it true,i think not,death perhaps,do i live,never again,separate lives,4 months on,love

Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind | randomoveractivity.blogspot.com Reviews


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Monday, October 01, 2007. Posted by eva.ave. Links to this post. Sunday, April 29, 2007. What Hurts The Most. What Hurts The Most". I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house. That don’t bother me. I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out. I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while. Even though going on with you gone still upsets me. There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok. But that’s not what gets me. What hurts the most.


randomoveractivity.blogspot.com randomoveractivity.blogspot.com

Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind: October 2006


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Sunday, October 15, 2006. When can we say we've been the happiest? What are our true moments of unbridled happiness? These questions struck me today, for some unknown reason. As i spent the whole day in contemplation, it suddenly struck me when i was coming back from buying my dinner. How many people remember, or have seen the joy and happiness in a child's eyes when he's given a scoop of ice cream, or something on an outing, and he didn't ask for it,. Think about ...


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind: 4 months on.....


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Tuesday, March 06, 2007. 4 months on and i find myself still in a lot of pain. Delving deep into myself would be swimmiing through an ocean of pain, misery, heartache, sorrow, sadness, anger, rage, guilt and most of all shame. What hurts the most? The sharp pain of a loss or the dull ache of an emptiness deep where your heart is? I know the answer. I close my eyes and all i see is still Ada. I try to find peace within myself only to have it ripped apart.


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind: January 2007


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Sunday, January 28, 2007. Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous,. It is not inflated, it is not rude,. It does not seek its own interests,. It is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,. It does not rejoice over wrongdoingbut rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things,. Hopes all things, endures all things. This is today's reading. It funny how i thought i knew love. but in fact i didn't. Right now, th...


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind: December 2006


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Saturday, December 09, 2006. So She Dances - Josh Groban. A waltz when she walks in the room. She pulls back the hair from her face. She turns to the window to sway in the moonlight. Even her shadow has grace. A waltz for the girl out of reach. She lifts her hands up to the sky. She moves with the music. The song is her lover. The melody's making her cry. In and out of the crowd like a glance. From afar calling me silently. A waltz for the chance I should take.


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind: a new beginning


Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Monday, October 01, 2007. Posted by eva.ave. Hello I just entered before I have to leave to the airport, it's been very nice to meet you, if you want here is the site I told you about where I type some stuff and make good money (I work from home): here it is. Hi, this is not so related to your page, but it is the site you asked me 1 month ago about the abs diet. I tried it, worked well. Well here is the site. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom).





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you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Friday, December 31, 2004. How scarred they were? How they just lay beside each other? Just to think that a few weeks ago, i was in bangkok, having a great holiday. now, the capital city is scrambling to help these victims in phuket, the phi phi islands. It's scary isn't it?

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you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Monday, August 30, 2004. It's the start of another week! And what a boring one it will be! On top of having lots of tidbits and ice-cream! I'm growing to be like a pig! Grinz* But the strangest thing is, I have not put on weight! We sit around in bed. Jonathan, my cousin, prom...

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you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Monday, November 29, 2004. I found out 2 interesting facts over the weekend :. 1 my friends can't sit beside me and have his/her lunch/dinner/breakfast, because it'd mean that your food, or the fork, will drop. Ok i know it sounds really lame. but it really happened! Goodness&...

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you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Thursday, September 30, 2004. Melissa's 2 cents worth. Topic for today: getting back with your ex : should you/could you/will you? 4 great pointers to note if this question ever pops into your mind. Especially my girls and Robby and Jon and Kaishi! Don't ever think that you ca...

yingyu.blogspot.com yingyu.blogspot.com

you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Wednesday, January 26, 2005. The sun's so bright it illuminates the day,. The sky's so blue it shines gloriously,. The trees rustle, singing their own tunes,. Yet the heart weeps, for an unfamiliar reason. The stars all glittering in the dark,. On the day we said goodbye?

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you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Friday, July 30, 2004. Now feeling indecisive about asking for help. should i or should i not? But who's here to come fetch me anyway? Today was such a dreadful day. decided that i'd have a hard time trying to finish whatever that i'm doing at e-business. really should...Anywa...

yingyu.blogspot.com yingyu.blogspot.com

you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Monday, March 28, 2005. Finally done with the first paper, which didn't go very well since i actually blank out halfway through. but leaving it all to god really now. i don't want to think about the paper anymore. With my sis-in-christ as well! We'd have so much fun! We did a ...

yingyu.blogspot.com yingyu.blogspot.com

you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Monday, June 27, 2005. Armed with an arrow you're pointing it straight at my heart,. Watching me break as I try find my way out the dark,. They say each moment comes to an end,. So my pain is its consequence,. It's a battle and I have no defence. But why's it at my expense?

yingyu.blogspot.com yingyu.blogspot.com

you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Friday, July 22, 2005. Even now, i'm still learning it the hard way. Yet, all of you just leave me with not much of a choice. i chose to trust you. i chose to believe in all of your words. i chose to have my faith in the relationship we share. So don't blame me for it. Like ev...

yingyu.blogspot.com yingyu.blogspot.com

you.me.and a thousand different ways.


All i know is i'm lost without you. I'm not gonna lie. How i'm gonna strong without you. I need you by my side. If we ever said we'll never be together. In the end and we wave goodbye. Don't know what i'll do. I'm lost without you. Monday, January 30, 2006. Looking for a different space. Seraching for my inner place. Out of patience, out of balance, out of time. Out of breath, out of focus. These shapes in my mind. May got me hooked on full house. full house - a house full of love. I'm only done with 7 e...





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Strzelankowa bonanza: Satazius, KAMUI, RefleX, R-Type. W zeszłym roku trochę się działo w temacie SHMUPów (SHoot eM UP – strzelanki), przede wszystkim w temacie importu i lokalizacji co lepszych okazów japońskiej produkcji. Działo się dość, żeby nawet z tego małego ułamka tytułów, jakie docierają do mnie między sesjami DivOS i AoW3, uzbierały się całe trzy tytuły na wpisorecenzję na tym oto, jak twierdzą eksperci, wideoblogu. Oto one! Czytaj dalej →. 2014: co za rok! Czytaj dalej →. Age of Wonders III.

randomoveractivity.blogspot.com randomoveractivity.blogspot.com

Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind

Random Ramblings of an Overactive Mind. Monday, October 01, 2007. Posted by eva.ave. Links to this post. Sunday, April 29, 2007. What Hurts The Most. What Hurts The Most". I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house. That don’t bother me. I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out. I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while. Even though going on with you gone still upsets me. There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok. But that’s not what gets me. What hurts the most.

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Submitted by: Unknown Tagged: belt , Car Trunk , houston , junk in the trunk , trunk. I'm Not Accustomed to Custom Installations Like This. Submitted by: Unknown Tagged: atv , audio , car audio , custom installation , stereo. Convert Old Junk Bikes Into Race-Ready Fixed Gear Bikes in No Time! Submitted by: (via Doobybrain ) Tagged: bicycle , bikes , eightinch , fixed gear , How To , old bikes , tutorial , Video. Do You Want to Super Size that Burn? Upstairs neighbours favourite shoes. We Need 2/3 Power!

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random overtones

Sunday, April 12, 2009. I may add to this over the coming days, as my mind is still in that jet-laggy-sleep-deprived fog. But here's a start to my "Best Of" list:. Best Airline: 1. V Australia (help-yourself 24-hour free snack bar, way too many entertainment choices, staff who actually talk to you like a normal person, wide/comfy/good-reclining seats, pretty coloured lights inside the cabins - mood lighting, and a bar area! United, American, Delta - pah.). Phew*, that was probably the hardest award!

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random overtones - news

Fill this page with sound. The start of 2015 is proving to be very exciting, with three fantastic gigs on the horizon. First up is playing in the pit for some of the Brisbane season of "Wicked". I'm really looking forward to working with some fantastic musicians and brushing up on my recorder/penny whistle skills in the process! And as if that's not enough, how about the final recital in my PhD Performance candidature? Qld Performing Arts Complex. I will only be playing Feb 12-Mar 1). I would like to tak...

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