ellisfamilycircus.blogspot.com ellisfamilycircus.blogspot.com


Ellis family circus

Monday, December 15, 2014. I was updating my websites that I run for my elementary band and realized that this one hasn't been updated in years! Thursday, September 12, 2013. The twins are six! Thursday, August 22, 2013. Zoo trip with cousins. We took a trip to the zoo with Mike and Jamie and Katelyn and Dylan. We also brought the twins' friend Farin along. It was a great day at the zoo! Enjoying the new splash pad. Tiffany loved it too. Step 1: Remove cabinet doors and scrub everything down with TSP.














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Ellis family circus | ellisfamilycircus.blogspot.com Reviews
Monday, December 15, 2014. I was updating my websites that I run for my elementary band and realized that this one hasn't been updated in years! Thursday, September 12, 2013. The twins are six! Thursday, August 22, 2013. Zoo trip with cousins. We took a trip to the zoo with Mike and Jamie and Katelyn and Dylan. We also brought the twins' friend Farin along. It was a great day at the zoo! Enjoying the new splash pad. Tiffany loved it too. Step 1: Remove cabinet doors and scrub everything down with TSP.
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skip to main,skip to sidebar,been a while,posted by,no comments,1 comment,cabinet project,fleeting moments,2 comments,older posts,kevin,troy and jonathan,tiffany,followers,blog archive,october,about me,my blog list,the westovers,8 hours ago,9 months ago

Ellis family circus | ellisfamilycircus.blogspot.com Reviews


Monday, December 15, 2014. I was updating my websites that I run for my elementary band and realized that this one hasn't been updated in years! Thursday, September 12, 2013. The twins are six! Thursday, August 22, 2013. Zoo trip with cousins. We took a trip to the zoo with Mike and Jamie and Katelyn and Dylan. We also brought the twins' friend Farin along. It was a great day at the zoo! Enjoying the new splash pad. Tiffany loved it too. Step 1: Remove cabinet doors and scrub everything down with TSP.


ellisfamilycircus.blogspot.com ellisfamilycircus.blogspot.com

Ellis family circus: Things I learned on my birthday


Saturday, April 6, 2013. Things I learned on my birthday. So I turned 33 today. And it was a nice day. I went in the morning to pick up my Bountiful Basket. Restaurant during the priesthood session of general conference. At least we were just about finished. Sounds like a great day! I love ice cream cakes no matter what too! April 8, 2013 at 5:24 AM. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). You shouldnt compare, but I think this is okay. Things I learned on my birthday. View my complete profile.


Ellis family circus: January 2012


Tuesday, January 31, 2012. So here’s a “brief” summary of our recent trip to California. This post has a lot of pictures, but it only a small portion of the pictures that we took. Thank heaven for digital cameras and memory cards! The first exciting thing that happened on our trip was at the McDonald’s in St. George, where we stopped for lunch. Kevin lost his second tooth! Turns out the tooth fairy can find you, even when you’re spending the night in Las Vegas. The next day we started our Disneyland fun.


Ellis family circus: December 2014


Monday, December 15, 2014. I was updating my websites that I run for my elementary band and realized that this one hasn't been updated in years! Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Everything I learned about classroom management I use at home now. View my complete profile. Like Riding a Bike. 5 years later and our Family's Whole30. Scott and Marsha (private). BB-8's at Arctic Circle. Heavenly Light Distilled upon My Soul. Forever is our goal. Me and My Monkeys. Another Day Another Dollar. We're in this together!


Ellis family circus: May 2012


Friday, May 11, 2012. This little boy is seven years old now! He is such a great helper around the house and is doing great in school. We're so lucky to have him. He has a talent show in school next week and he was trying to decide what talent he could do:. I know what one of my talents is, doing projects! We could take a video of me riding my scooter! I could do a dance! But I think I would be scared to dance in front of the whole school.". He's such a little sweet heart. Look up on my head. See! And al...


Ellis family circus: Been a while


Monday, December 15, 2014. I was updating my websites that I run for my elementary band and realized that this one hasn't been updated in years! Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Everything I learned about classroom management I use at home now. View my complete profile. Under Doctor’s Orders. Scott and Marsha (private). BB-8's at Arctic Circle. Heavenly Light Distilled upon My Soul. Forever is our goal. Me and My Monkeys. Another Day Another Dollar. I'm so glad you came to live at our house".





rhondasreality.blogspot.com rhondasreality.blogspot.com

Rhonda's Reality: October 2011


My life and what I think of it. Thursday, October 20, 2011. Journey.helping unite families and overcome DCFS! I'm starting a new journey and the point of this blog is just to document and keep track of where this journey will take me. I have lots of great ideas running through my head about where I want to end up.there is a quote from Alice in Wonderland that my doctor mentioned to me the other day. He couldn't remember the exact quote but I knew exactly what he was talking about. I was SICK to death of ...

jmhelmandollar.blogspot.com jmhelmandollar.blogspot.com

Jamie & Mike: February 2010


Sunday, February 28, 2010. I have never been a very good cook.in fact over the years I have made many humorous mistakes in the kitchen. Not all are disasterous but most are pretty funny. Well getting married didn't really help me in this area, in fact I've probably gotten worse! Looks like perfectly good chicken, right? Can anyone guess what I had done? On the bright side, the salad turned out GREAT! Look at all those noodles! Friday, February 19, 2010. We're having a baby! We are having a baby girl due ...

jmhelmandollar.blogspot.com jmhelmandollar.blogspot.com

Jamie & Mike: Blog Dedication


Saturday, October 30, 2010. I have been addicted lately to looking at craft blogs. I love looking at all the fun creative ideas and tutorials and dreaming about being able to do them. Some of the ideas I actually have done, which makes me very proud of myself! I have been doing a ton of things lately and then I just realized, why am I not blogging about all of this! I love looking at other people's blogs, so I bet they would like to see a few things I am up to (hopefully! So here it goes! So here it goes!

blog.felcore.com blog.felcore.com

Family | Based on a True Story


Julio, Steven, Stephanie Juliana, and Devon. I’m a Mormon. Adopt a ‘Do Hair Style Ideas. The Science of Empathic Marketing. Forever is Our Goal. Time of Your Life. Life as a Hall: Good Call. We’re in this together! Creative Writing and Author Blogs. Robert Fulghum’s Official Website. Pieces of My Life*. Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors. The School of Life. Jane K. Dickinson, RN, PhD, CDE. In Gavin’s World. Based on a True Story. Under Doctor’s Orders. Posted by The Piquant Storyteller. She doesn&...

blog.felcore.com blog.felcore.com

memories | Based on a True Story


Julio, Steven, Stephanie Juliana, and Devon. I’m a Mormon. Adopt a ‘Do Hair Style Ideas. The Science of Empathic Marketing. Forever is Our Goal. Time of Your Life. Life as a Hall: Good Call. We’re in this together! Creative Writing and Author Blogs. Robert Fulghum’s Official Website. Pieces of My Life*. Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors. The School of Life. Jane K. Dickinson, RN, PhD, CDE. In Gavin’s World. Based on a True Story. Posted by The Piquant Storyteller. Asymp; 1 Comment. Blast from the ...

blog.felcore.com blog.felcore.com

family fun | Based on a True Story


Julio, Steven, Stephanie Juliana, and Devon. I’m a Mormon. Adopt a ‘Do Hair Style Ideas. The Science of Empathic Marketing. Forever is Our Goal. Time of Your Life. Life as a Hall: Good Call. We’re in this together! Creative Writing and Author Blogs. Robert Fulghum’s Official Website. Pieces of My Life*. Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors. The School of Life. Jane K. Dickinson, RN, PhD, CDE. In Gavin’s World. Based on a True Story. Under Doctor’s Orders. Posted by The Piquant Storyteller. She doesn&...

jmhelmandollar.blogspot.com jmhelmandollar.blogspot.com

Jamie & Mike: We're having a baby!


Friday, February 19, 2010. We're having a baby! Ok okthis might not be news to everyone seeing as how I'm 6 months pregnant, but I'm really bad at keeping the blog up to date! But here it is.We're PREGNANT! We are having a baby girl due May 21st. Things are going pretty well! Here is a picture of our very first crib! Mike set it up the other day and we put the bedding in it. Since we're having a girl, we're going all pink with this baby! Here is a profile shot of our baby girl, isn't she adorable? Februa...

jmhelmandollar.blogspot.com jmhelmandollar.blogspot.com

Jamie & Mike: August 2009


Sunday, August 2, 2009. Although it's 6 months late, we finally found our pictures from our cruise. We went on our honeymoon about a month after we got married. We went on a cruise to Cabo San Lucas and Ensenada Mexico, we has a blast! Here are some of the highlights! This is the first view of our ship, it was huge! This is the grand staircase, it was so pretty and elegant. This look was pretty much how our faces looked the entire cruise, we had the best time! Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).





ellisfamily5.blogspot.com ellisfamily5.blogspot.com

Being a mom is HARD

Being a mom is HARD. I am a stay at home mom of three kids and I am the voice of moms from all over. Being a mom is HARD and I want to blog about it. This blog is mostly for my own personal use, but if anyone has advice or would like to give suggestions I am open to it! Sunday, April 17, 2011. So it makes me wonder. is it just the thought of being a mom that wants to always be on the go go go, or is there something being said for liking the routine, and being a stay at home family? Tuesday, March 29, 2011.

ellisfamilyabroad.blogspot.com ellisfamilyabroad.blogspot.com


Subscribe To Our Blog! Wednesday, December 1, 2010. November 11-14, Paris! Paris, city of light! We took the "littles" to Paris (the "big" stayed home deciding he was saving his energy for snowboarding in the Alps). We L-O-V-E Paris. Everywhere you look is beauty, history, and happy people. It was a wonderful last trip as we are right around the corner from ending our European adventure. We pack up at the end of December. So, out with a bang! These days, you can take pictures of the Mona Lisa. We loved t...

ellisfamilyadventures.blogspot.com ellisfamilyadventures.blogspot.com

Ellis Family Adventures

Wednesday, December 31, 2008. Well we're packed and ready to go. It's been six months since we were in Guatemala- but it sure feels like alot longer. We'll be gone for two weeks in the sun (mid-70's there) while you all are stuck here in the dreary little town of Fort Wayne! Here's the general itenerary (wrong spelling i know) for the next two weeks:. December 31- Leave for Detroit with Grandma and the Anguaino's. January 1 (Happy New Year! January 2-5- Hang out in the gorgeous town of Antigua. Ok so I d...

ellisfamilyadventuresontheeastcoast.blogspot.com ellisfamilyadventuresontheeastcoast.blogspot.com

Ellis Family Adventures on the East Coast

Monday, July 18, 2011. Chicago Trip.Daaaaaaaaaaa Bears, Part 3. While we were at Dad's, the Chicago Bears played the cheese heads (aka Green Bay Packers - UGH! I'd like to say we won, but. ;( We must not have shown enough spirit! Next time, MORE Bears gear! Some of these came out blurry, but I didn't want to omit them. Brett, Ethan and Aunt Jackie. Brett, Aunt Jackie and the kids. Grandma and Grandpa and the kids. Dad, Me and Ethan. Dad, Mary and Me. Ava listening to tunes at half time. Dad, J and Ethan.

ellisfamilybluegrass.com ellisfamilybluegrass.com

Ellis Family Bluegrass Gospel

Singing For His Glory. Tommy Bryant Benefit @ Crowder Baptist Church - Crowder, MS 4pm111. Sand Hill Congregational Methodist Church - Water Valley, MS 1pm. Homecoming @ Calvary Baptist Church - Fayettville, TN. Benefit @ College Hill Baptist Church - Vardaman, MS 4:30pm. Christian Rest UMC - Oxford, MS - 5pm. Faith Baptist Church - Gordo, AL - 11am and 1pm. Liberty Hill Baptist Church - Pope, MS - 6pm. Gospel Grass Festival @ Oakdale Park - Glen Rose, TX. Community Baptist Church- Crowley, TX 10am.

ellisfamilycircus.blogspot.com ellisfamilycircus.blogspot.com

Ellis family circus

Monday, December 15, 2014. I was updating my websites that I run for my elementary band and realized that this one hasn't been updated in years! Thursday, September 12, 2013. The twins are six! Thursday, August 22, 2013. Zoo trip with cousins. We took a trip to the zoo with Mike and Jamie and Katelyn and Dylan. We also brought the twins' friend Farin along. It was a great day at the zoo! Enjoying the new splash pad. Tiffany loved it too. Step 1: Remove cabinet doors and scrub everything down with TSP.

ellisfamilyclan.blogspot.com ellisfamilyclan.blogspot.com

An Invitation

Come and visit the ellis family blog. Sunday, December 14, 2008. We originally had our blog private, but we have decided to go public again. To many people were having difficulty viewing so for now we are global! Come visit us at our new blog here! Jacob and Rachel Ellis. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). We originally had our blog private, but we have de. Jacob and Rachel Ellis. View my complete profile.

ellisfamilydental.com ellisfamilydental.com

Ellis Family Dental

Over 65 Years of Service. Our office is proud to have been treating some families for five generations. We now look forward to getting to know you and your family! Experience. Values. and Trust. Dr Rick Ellis (II). Dr Ellis has three children, and 12 grandchildren. In his free time he enjoys teaching classes on fly tying and experiencing the great outdoors with his fishing buddies. He has a great passion for fly fishing, and can tell you the best places to go. Dr. Ellis and his wife, Patr...He enjoys wor...

ellisfamilyescapades.blogspot.com ellisfamilyescapades.blogspot.com

Ellis Family Escapades

Sunday, July 19, 2009. 4th of July in Corpus Christi - 2009. We had a fun weekend with Gran and Grandpa at the beach! Sunday, June 28, 2009. Happy Father's Day, Will! Sunday, June 14, 2009. Fun times at the San Antonio Zoo with our friends! Concan with our Georgia cousins. We had such a wonderful time with our cousins from Georgia! Tripp (age 4), Beau (age 2), Lila (age 5), George (age 2). Sunday, May 17, 2009. Tripp's 4th Birthday Party. Sunday, April 12, 2009. Sharing an ice cream cone in Gruene, Texas.

ellisfamilyfarm.blogspot.com ellisfamilyfarm.blogspot.com

Ellis Family Farms

Saturday, February 5, 2011. 2/5/11 - Clear Skies = Frosty Mornings. It is true, the wonderful clear skies we have been enjoying make for some frosty mornings. This is a picture of what our windshield looked like when we stumbled downstairs this morning to head to work. I can not comprehend the detail and pattern that surrounds us everyday. The Lord is truly creative and blesses us with the creativity. All we have to do is look around. Christina.who wishes she were more creative. Friday, February 4, 2011.

ellisfamilyfarm.com ellisfamilyfarm.com

Ellis Family Farms of Benton Harbor, MI - Ellis Family Farms

From the conception of a dream though all stages of growth, our farm strives to bring you the best of our harvest. Fruit & Recipes. Get to Know Your Farmer. Family on the Farm 2015. Standing, from left: Laura and Marc, Mathew and Christina, and Mary Gelder; Rene and Bruce seated in the center. Friday on the Farm. Another Market Season Begins! Autumn and a Glass of Cider. Livin’ in an Apple Paradise. 365 Days of Farmlife. Powered by Fourbin Labs.